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春节,中国的农历新年,通常被称为新年、新年、元旦等。它也被口头称为新年和新年。 以下是为大家整理的关于春节英文版手抄报的文章9篇 ,欢迎品鉴!


The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. 


The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.


Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. Most people will have a week off , thus, this time is known as golden week.








 Winter vacation is coming.We're happy to welcome the

  holidays.Usually,winter vacation is funny because Spring Festival is during the vacation.

  Spring Festival is a excellent day for every Chinese,especially for children.During the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each other.Then it's the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money.

  But i'm not a child any longer.I want to make the festival a little bit different. I plan to have a different day.I'm going to sell some toys in the flower market.I will ask my friends to join me.If i earn some money,i'll buy some presents to my

  parents.Well,it's my turn to give back to my parents for their love.


  New Year's Eve, the last day of the year. The last day of the end of the year is called "New Year", which means that the old year is divided so far and the New Year is changed. Divide, that is, remove the meaning; Xi refers to night. "New Year's Eve" is the meaning of New Year's Eve, also known as Chinese New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, etc., when the last night at the end of the year. New Year's Eve is a time for family reunion and ancestor worship, and qingming Festival, July and a half, the Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese folk festival for ancestor worship. New Year's Eve is of special significance in the hearts of Chinese people. It is the most important day at the end of the year when homeless people, no matter how far away they are, rush home to rejoin their families. On New Year's Eve, people worship their ancestors and eat a family reunion dinner. After the dinner, people distribute lucky money and stay up for the New Year.

  Traditional customs: set the table of heaven and earth, ancestor worship, burning cannon, eat New Year's Eve dinner, then god, tron sui, then the god of wealth.


  1.I hope my best wishes to you are the most fresh and tireless. Happy New Year to you and good luck in all things! 但愿我寄予您的祝福是最新鲜最令你百读不厌的,祝福你新年快乐,万事如意!

  2.SMS send together, I also send wishes quickly. I wish you a happy New Year's eve, happy! 手机短信一起发,我也快快送祝福。愿你除夕快乐,幸福美满!

  3.On the eve of the Spring Festival, I followed the blessing of the tide, sail boat greeting, full of good luck, peace, reunion and celebration, to ride gallop, the harbor in the New Year by Air, please note that receipt. I wish the Year of the Ram down!春节前夕,我顺着祝福的潮水,驾着问候的小舟,满载着吉祥、平安、团圆和喜庆,乘风破浪疾驰而来,将在新年港湾靠航,请注意收货。预祝羊年大吉!

  4.Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year. 衷心祝福来年快乐、幸运!

  5.On this occasion of the New Year, I wish you: big money, a small fortune, unexpected money, extra cash; family, friendship, love, love love wishful; official transport, wealth, peach blossom, transport transport prosper; love, family, friends, and everyone safe !值此新年之际,祝您:大财、小财、意外财,财源滚滚;亲情、友情、爱情,情情如意;官运、财运、桃花运,运运亨通;爱人、亲人、友人,人人平安!

  6.Even though we are apart, you are in my heart this season.千山万水,隔不断我在佳节对你的思念。

  7.Taking the New Year's bell sounded, gone with the wind to send my blessing, lingering in your side. 新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。

  8.Wish all the best wishes for you.献上最美好的祝愿。

  9.Goodbye a year of hard work, ushered in another brand—new year, I wish you in the new year, a grand show, a wide range of financial resources! 送走了一年的辛劳,迎来了又一个崭新的年月,祝您在新的一年里,大展宏图,财源广进!

  10.May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love。祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。

  11.Wishing every happiness will always be with you. 恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。

  12.A New year greeting to cheer you from your daughter.愿女儿的祝福带给您欢乐。

  13.The whole year''s work depends on a good start in spring. Good luck to you, my dear friend.一年之计在于春。亲爱的朋友,祝你好运!

  14.This is the first Spring Festival after our acquaintance, I would like to offer a special blessing: may your heart be like mine, with sincere friendship. 这是我们相识后的第一个春节,我要献上一声特别的祝福:愿你心似我心,共以真诚铸友情。

  15.I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

  16.Fortune Wang Fu Wang is lucky。 I wish you a happy New Year! 财旺福旺运气旺,万马奔腾迎旺年!祝您新年快乐!

  17.With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year.恭贺新禧,万事如意。

  18.Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。

  19.So far away, no gifts, no big meals, only I care about your heart and the most sincere wishes: Happy New Year! 这么远的距离,没有礼物,没有大餐,只有我牵挂你的心和最最真诚的一声祝福:新年快乐!

  20.Best wishes for you and your family.祝福您及您的家人。


  Chinese Spring Festival, also called Lunar New Year, has more than 4,000 years of history. Being one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is the grandest and the most important festival for Chinese people. It is also the time for the whole families to get together, which is similar with Christmas Day to the westerners.


  Originating during the Shang Dynasty (about 17th - 11th century BC), Spring Festival, which celebrates family reunion, is full of rich and colorful activities, and hopes with the advent of spring and flowers blossoming. People from different regions and different ethnic groups celebrate it in their unique ways.




  There are many legends about Spring Festival in Chinese culture. In folk culture, it is also called “guonian” (meaning “passing a year”). It is said that the “nian” (year) was a strong monster which was fierce and cruel and ate one kind of animal including human being a day. Human beings were scared about it and had to hide on the evening when the “nian” came out. Later, people found that “nian” was very scared about the red color and fireworks. So after that, people use red color and fireworks or firecrackers to drive away “nian”. As a result, the custom of using red color and setting off fireworks remains.


  Festivities Schedule


  Preparing the New Year starts 7 days before the New Year’s Eve. According to Chinese lunar calendar, people start to clean the house on Dec. 24, butcher on Dec. 26th and so on. People have certain things to do on each day. These activities will end Jan. 15th of the lunar calendar.




  The Spring Festival is a start for a new year, so it is regarded as the omen of a year. People have many taboos during this period. Many bad words related to “death”, “broken”, “killing”, “ghost” and “illness” or “sickness” are forbidden during conversations. In some places, there are more specific details. They consider it unlucky if the barrel of rice is empty, because they think they will have nothing to eat in the next year. Taking medicine is forbidden on this day, otherwise, people will have sick for the whole year and take medicine constantly.



   Once upon a time there was a called "year" beast, the last day of a year, year came to a village to eat people, once happened to an old man came to the village, the old man said, he is in, don't worry will be eaten by years, as a result, the old man to get people to affix Spring Festival couplets, the door in the room, a candle on for years, they set off firecrackers and scared off the year, The old man was gone, too. This is the origin of the Spring Festival.


  Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.


  Chinese have the spring festival customs from when very difficult research. Lunar lunar January is the beginning of the year, and early or mid lunar January, in most cases is just the beginning of spring ( some time in late spring is the last month of the lunar calendar ), now known as the Spring Festival; festival time final believe and this time on agricultural work with minimal impact on. On the last day of the year, known as the" big thirty", the family reunion dinner on New Year's Eve ( lunar new year the last meal of the year ), and later staying-up send gift money customs, said from the lunar year the last day of the guard to the year the first day, therefore, to the festival is also known to have the spring festival.


  Among the people, especially in rural areas, are too small and the habit. Rural exist, namely, the lunar calendar twenty-three ( or twenty-four ), Free Kitchen God ( God to worship the cooking stove King painting cremated ), to the Jade Emperor report of his family, in the past year performance. In order to let the kitchen god say, worship Tanggua, off but also sugar paste on his mouth, let him God made good. New year's Eve the foci of back, is to buy a new cooker King painting ( painting on the painting the kitchen god and his wife in the kitchen cooking stove King milk ) for. Draw on both sides of a poetic couplet usually posted: God made good, the lower bound of peace. Streamer: the master of the house. Eat the dinner on New Year's Eve, when each and every family is the most lively happy spring festival. New year's Eve, a table filled with food, family reunion, sitting around the table, eat family reunion dinner, the heart of emptiness is really indescribable. The dinner on New Year's Eve, generally not two things, one is fish, two is the hot pot. Hot pot boiling, reeky, warm and sultry, that is booming;" fish" and "I" homophonic, is a symbol of" more happy", also showing" may there be surpluses every year". Commonly known as the cabbage and radish, wish the good luck; lobster, explosion fish fried food, happy home developed such as" add strength to what is already strong". Finally, as a dessert, with the blessing of days.

  在民间,特别是农村地区,有过小年和大年的习惯。 农村过小年,即农历二十三日(或二十四),送灶王爷上天(把供奉的灶王画火化),向玉皇大帝报告他所在的一家,在过去一年的表现。为了让灶王爷说好话,要供奉糖瓜,送行时还要用糖糊在他嘴上,让他上天言好事。到除夕再把灶王迎回来,就是买一张新的灶王画(画上画有灶王爷和他的太太灶王奶)供在厨房。画的两侧通常贴一副对联:上天言好事,下界保平安。横批:一家之主。 吃年夜饭,是春节家家户户最热闹愉快的时候。大年夜,丰盛的年菜摆满一桌,阖家团聚,围坐桌旁,共吃团圆饭,心头的充实感真是难以言喻。年夜饭,一般少不了两样东西,一是鱼,二是火锅。火锅沸煮,热气腾腾,温馨撩人,说明红红火火;“鱼”和“余”谐音,是象征“吉庆有余”,也喻示“年年有余”。还有萝卜俗称菜头,祝愿有好彩头;龙虾、爆鱼等煎炸食物,预祝家运兴旺如“烈火烹油”。最后多为一道甜食,祝福往后的日子甜甜蜜蜜。

  Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China and some Asian nations. Because legend has it that the beast is afraid of red, afraid of fire and afraid of sound, so people will have couplets, firecrackers, gongs and drums and other customs. Different periods, different regions, different ethnic customs are not the same.

  春节是中国及一些亚洲民族一个古老的传统节日。因为相传年兽怕红色,怕火光和怕响声,所以人们便有贴春联、放鞭炮、敲锣打鼓等习俗。 不同时期、不同地区、不同民族的习俗都不相同。

  In China, the Spring Festival is also a minority national people's customs and festivals. People of all ethnic groups in accordance with their own customs, held a variety of celebration, with their strong national unique style.


  The eve of the Chinese new year, people put on beautiful clothes, held a grand and grand "sorcerer". The boys dancing singing, in addition to the old and ushering in the new, the evil blessing. In the new year's morning, women would go back "auspicious water", I wish the new year Good luck and happiness to you.


  Yi Yi according to the selected calendar year. Some of the same with the local Han Chinese New year. In some areas of the Yi nationality, a pine in front of the door, with pine flooring, said to avoid disaster fire disaster. There are areas in the festival, butcher sheep, eat meat lump, people visit each other, exchanging the meat and steamed bun. Lunar New Year's day morning, the first thing is to get up in the home. They will have a bowl of water and a heavier weight than yesterday, such as the water of the new year.



 Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is sometimes called the "Lunar New Year" by English speakers. The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called Lantern Festival. Chinese New Year's Eve is known as chú xī. It literally means "Year-pass Eve".

  Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Lunar Calendar. The origin of Chinese New Year is itself centuries old and gains significance because of several myths and traditions. Ancient Chinese New Year is a reflection on how the people behaved and what they believed in the most.

  Celebrated in areas with large populations of ethnic Chinese, Chinese New Year is considered a major holiday for the Chinese and has had influence on the new year celebrations of its geographic neighbors, as well as cultures with whom the Chinese have had extensive interaction. These include Koreans (Seollal), Tibetans and Bhutanese (Losar), Mongolians (Tsagaan Sar), Vietnamese (T65t), and formerly the Japanese before 1873 (Oshogatsu). Outside of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, Chinese New Year is also celebrated in countries with significant Han Chinese populations, such as Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. In countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States, although Chinese New Year is not an official holiday, many ethnic Chinese hold large celebrations and Australia Post, Canada Post, and the US Postal Service issues New Year's themed stamps.

  Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese new year vary widely. People will pour out their money to buy presents, decoration, material, food, and clothing. It is also the tradition that every family thoroughly cleans the house to sweep away any ill-fortune in hopes to make way for good incoming luck. Windows and doors will be decorated with red colour paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of “happiness”, “wealth”, and “longevity”. On the Eve of Chinese New Year, supper is a feast with families. Food will include such items as pigs, ducks, chicken and sweet delicacies. The family will end the night with firecrackers. Early the next morning, children will greet their parents by wishing them a healthy and happy new year, and receive money in red paper envelopes. The Spring Festival tradition is a great way to reconcile forgetting all grudges, and sincerely wish peace and happiness for everyone.

  Although the Chinese calendar traditionally does not use continuously numbered years, outside China its years are often numbered from the reign of Huangdi. But at least three different years numbered 1 are now used by various scholars, making the year 20_ "Chinese Year" 4707, 4706, or 4646.


 The Spring Festival is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

  Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables.  Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

  On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. When people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.











