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We mean ^v^between the lines^v^ in a book. When we read that many people know that we must ^v^between the lines^v^ in order to give full play to my point of view, ^v^between the lines^v^ is more important in the process of reading. Unless we make a sidenote on the book, we can't carry out the most effective reading.

Sidelights on books are essential for the following reasons: first, if reading is more than just killing time, it will keep us awake. It must be active. We can't just let our eyes slide through the lines of a book and have an understanding of it.

Second, reading, if it is active, is thinking. Thinking tends to express ourselves in words. Speaking or writing marked books are usually thought through books.

Writing helps us remember our ideas, or the author expresses the physical behavior of writing with his own hands, so that words and sentences appear more clearly in our minds and can be better preserved In our memory. So if you have the habit of Sidenotes on books while reading, stick to it. If you don't have the habit, start now.




English is one of the most mon languages that are speaking in the world. According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak English. We need to learn English because as our country's economy's developes, there are more and more oppotunities for us to visit other countries. If we want to municate with foreigners who don't know how to speak Chinese, we need to speak English. It's important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technologies and cultures, therefore we can improve our knowledge.。




The importance of English rests with the language being used in most countries in the world as a municating tool. For example, a German and a Chinese can't speak opposite side's language, but they both know English. And then there is no problem beeen their language munication. We must know the importance and learn the language earnestly.

The key to learn English well is to recite words. Words are the bricks of language keeping them in our mind, can we master them. To learn English well,we need to listen more English broadcast and contact with more foreingers so that we can practise our listening prehansion. Only in this way, can we study for the purpose of application


THE IMPORTANCE OF HANDWRITING We live in a world dominated by puters which enable us to get away from the seemingly time-consuming handwriting. However, as people type faster and faster, we cannot deny the fact that more people attach too little importance on handwriting and their handwriting gets poorer and poorer as a result, especially among our youth. Actually, handwriting is still necessary and important nowadays not only in that we need it in our everyday life but also because handwriting can affect the impression we make on other , our life cannot go without handwriting. In despite of the prevailing advantages of typing, un。

neat paper with a good handwriting often gets higher marks than one with a poor handwriting even their contents are virtually the same; exam papers. Similarly;s image and characteristic based on the handwriting, because of its uniqueness;, our life cannot go without handwriting, just like everyone's characteristic is different;s handwriting. However, to prevent duplication, a good handwriting makes its reader feel good, as people type faster and faster, handwriting is still necessary and important nowadays not only in that we need it in our everyday life but also because handwriting can affect the impression we make on other people. When scoring students'machine-writing^v^, we cannot deny the fact that more people attach too little importance on handwriting and their handwriting gets poorer and poorer as a result, we must sign our names on cheques to show that we are responsible for it and most of , especially among our youth;s handwritings is the same, they will unconsciously picture the person', people tend to judge a person', people express their recognition and more often than not their emotion when they write a person a letter by hand. Actually, when people meet a person'. In despite of the prevailing advantages of , under certain circumstances. Further more, as there will never be another carbon copy exactly the same as the original piece of one's why most of us prefer a hand-written love letter to a typed one, handwriting can never be replaced by ^v^. For example. That', a clean, and because no o men's personality by his or her handwriting;s writing before they meet the real personTHE IMPORTANCE OF HANDWRITING We live in a world dominated by puters which enable us to get away from the seemingly time-consuming handwriting。


Good habits are very important to our life. It is essential to ensure that we have a healthy body and a good rest, so that we can have enough energy throughout the day. Otherwise, if we go to bed, we can't do anything.

Remember to go to bed early and get up early. A healthy diet also plays an important role. As the old saying goes, shut your mouth and don't catch flies.

It tells us to pay attention to our diet. Finally, exercise is essential. It can bring us health and make us relax and happy.

A lot of stress and negative emotions can be eliminated by short periods of exercise. Healthy living habits bring many benefits, even though sometimes you don't even realize it.





It is Important to Learn English.

English is widely used throughout the world. So many people speak it as a second language. On line,you will find lots of information in English. If you don't understand English, how can you know more about the world , how can you get more knowledge. At international conferences, English is also used as the official language. Without good English, you cann't express your ideas well at such conferences, neither can you introduce China to the outside world.


What does passion mean to us? Passion is the spice of your dreary life, so you have to taste your experience. Passion is the power to spend a passionate night with your lover. Life is full of ups and downs.

It's a struggle, because we struggle to live. Things are not what we expected, though, we can comfort us that every dog has it One day, we complain in despair, passion is the power to overcome your cowardice, life is to live, let life without passion, you can't enjoy such a beautiful world.



标签: 新学期


learn english for in modern society, english bee more and more important. there are o points on this. one is that we should work hard to learning english well in order to follow the present international evelopement. the other is that we study english only for college, so we needn't learn it and after the graduation we won't ba able to use it. i agree the first one bacause english is a language spoken by billons of people and now is playing a important role within international business and tarde. and the spoken language in the UN. so it is of importance to learn it well. we should know well about the world. learning it well will help you show yourself to the worl。




We live in a world dominated by puters which enable us to get away from the seemingly time-consuming handwriting. However, as people type faster and faster, we cannot deny the fact that more people attach too little importance on handwriting and their handwriting gets poorer and poorer as a result, especially among our youth. Actually, handwriting is still necessary and important nowadays not only in that we need it in our everyday life but also because handwriting can affect the impression we make on other people.

First, our life cannot go without handwriting. In despite of the prevailing advantages of typing, under certain circumstances, because of its uniqueness, handwriting can never be replaced by ^v^machine-writing^v^. For example, we must sign our names on cheques to show that we are responsible for it and most of all, to prevent duplication. Further more, as there will never be another carbon copy exactly the same as the original piece of one's handwriting, people express their recognition and more often than not their emotion when they write a person a letter by hand. That's why most of us prefer a hand-written love letter to a typed one.

Second, a good handwriting makes its reader feel good, and because no o men's handwritings is the same, just like everyone's characteristic is different, people tend to judge a person's personality by his or her handwriting. When scoring students' exam papers, a clean, neat paper with a good handwriting often gets higher marks than one with a poor handwriting even their contents are virtually the same. Similarly, when people meet a person's writing before they meet the real person, they will unconsciously picture the person's image and characteristic based on the handwriting.

Simply put, handwriting is important because we need it everyday, and it affects other people's opinion on us.


首先要说明的是,英文写作能力和语文写作能力是不同的,我们不需要用英文表达情感思维世界观价值观,要表达的知识一个客观事实, 我们仅仅被要求将我么看到的,听到的,做到的,用英文恰如其分的表达出来,说白了就是叙述能力的要求, 我认为更多的词汇量是对时间描述细化的根本动力, 比如我们描述事物的好与坏时,不能仅仅用 good bad 来形容, out standing ,excllent ,pretty good , find , satisfied, rarely satisfied 等等词语组合其实可以给我们更多的感受, 在教学中, 我认为鼓励学生在学习一个词语的时候, 多人士2近意词反意词是增加词汇量的好 ... 。


The importance of English reading and writing in today's world, learning spoken English has many advantages. English is rapidly becoming an international language in many fields, including politics, business and education. English is not only used between native speakers and non-native speakers, but also more and more as a common language.

In the communication between non-native speakers, ing good oral English is helpful In order to improve your employment opportunities, there are many foreign companies operating in China, and many Chinese state-owned companies have trade relations with foreign partners. These companies require English speaking people to have sufficient language skills to ensure smooth business transactions. Oral English also provides you with opportunities for social communication with people from many other countries.

It provides you with an understanding A window to other cultures and other views of the world. It also gives you access to foreign films, TV programs, music and news. Therefore, spoken English is an important foundation for today's global village tool.




English is the most popular language in the world, and it is also most widely spoken of all the language. It is mother tongue in many important countries, such as the USA,England, Australia and so on. In India, Though it is not the mother tongue, it 's the important offical language.

In China, English is spoken as an important and useful foreign language. The 20_ Olympics will be hosted in Beijing. Many foreigners will e to China. We should try our best to serve the Olympics. For example, we can help the foreign visitors if we learn English well.


English is the most popular language in the world and the most widely used language of all languages. In many important countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and so on, English is not the mother tongue in India, but it is an important official language in China. English is an important and useful foreign language.

The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. Many foreigners will come to China. We should try our best to serve the Olympic Games.

For example, if we learn English well, we can help foreign tourists.




标签: 新学期



教育作为一种人性的培养活动,从来都以人性的全面发展为内容,这也是现阶段我们全面实施素质教育的内涵。语文教学中培养学生听说读写的能力是教育的目标,而学生的习作就是学生综合语文素质的充分体现。北京教育丛书《多读书勤练笔重写字》,便是这探索的海洋中的瑰丽的浪花。她站在一定的理论高度,指出了当今语文教学中存在的种种弊端,及针对弊端进行的改革和探索。全书由三个相对独立、而又紧密联系的部分组成,即多读书、勤练笔、重写字。分别从如何上好读书课等几方面具体谈了指导学生多读书。从如何指导学生课堂小练笔等几方面谈了如何指导学生勤练笔。从写好字的重要性等几个方面谈了重视写字教学的经验和体会。这是理论指导下的实践,这是对传统的语文教学优点的继承、发展和创新。书中所谈到的在语文教学改革中特别注意做到的“四个坚持”——坚持大语文教育观;坚持教学要有效的原则;在教师与学生关系上,坚持教师是主导,学生是主体,教为学服务的原则;坚持不断改革,不断前进。很好地体现了语文教学大纲的要求,比较完整地诠释了新的课程标准所强调指出的四个基本理念。书中介绍的 ... 和途径可操作性很强,有利于全面提高学生的语文素养,提高学生的审美情趣。是一本不可多得好书。反复阅读若有所思,掩卷深思若有所感。



I have a good meal plan for my dinner. My breakfast is apple pie, bread and milk, eggs. I like this set meal.

At noon, I often eat chicken salad, ham, price and French fries, but I prefer to eat some fruits and vegetables at noon. I have a big dinner. My constellation is Aquarius, so I belong to my matching diet plan.

In the evening, I eat Broccoli fruit salad steak and sandwiches I often go out to eat, how to digest exercise, I have a good diet plan, I hope you have a plan like mine, reasonable collocation is the most important.













