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education plays a great role in our life. but, real education begins with self education. that is to educate ourselves.

i have had such experience. when i finish reading a good book, which is informative and exciting, i am lost deep in thoughts and enlightened. something or somebody ordinary in life, once written in books, after careful reading and thinking, will reveal truth and philosophy. when i succeed or fad, get praised or criticized, happy or sad, i can find in books a good mirror to reflect and guide me i cannot but put myself upon thinking,^v^what was i? what will i he?^v^ at this time, my mind is open and i am my sincere self. i am having a dialogue with myself, with my conscience. without my knowing it, i am educating you can see by self -education. i mean thinking and contradicting within the mind. in the process of thinking and contradicting i have recollections and appraisal of myself. then i make decisions aecording]y and keep myself in control of my thoughts and actions in the hope that i better myself in character, behavior, virtue and manner.

self-education is an effective way to make one noble minded, more able and intelligent and to perfect oneself. if a man keeps receiving education and educating himself, he is sure to be one cut above others.


A debate heated up recently,thanks to Amy Chua’s book about a Chinese “tiger mother”.In her latest book entitled “The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother”,Amy describes how she adopt s traditional Chinese methods to educate her children,which is considered by many westerners to be too hard and inhuman.

One of the issues being discussed after the book was published is whether early education should focus on children’s supporting the idea argue that early education is intended to help children grow up in a cheerful atmosph ere and inspire them to better themselves in an all-round we should allow children to enjoy the happiness which can only be found during their the contrary,people holding the opposite view insist that since in reality life is full of happiness and pain,children should be well prepared for that even during would find it hard to adapt to life in the future.

In my opinion,just as Confucius said,education methods should be adopted based on individual should respect children as independent human beings.





相关标签: 教育Education 重要Important 建议Suggest


Almost everyone in the world has taken education. But, not everyone realize its importance. In fact, it plays a vital place in all people’s life. It helps people understand the world better, make preparation for their future and form good quality.

Firstly, it is well-known that school is the best place to receive education, so the knowledge in school is very widely. It is obvious to see that there are so many books and knowledgeable teachers in school being ready to teach students. Through the school education, students can have a better understanding of the things happening in the world. Secondly, as students can learn so much knowledge in school, they can use this knowledge to work for them in the future after they graduate. Or students also can figure out their interest by searching the knowledge of various fields to clear their future road. Last but not least, education can help a person form good qualities. The more knowledge a person learns the more polite, modest and high quality he will be. A well educated person always behaves pretty well.

In a word, education is very important for anyone. It will affect human beings’ whole life in the inside heart and outside appearance. We should catch every chance to receive education, if we want to success in the future.


What i will talk about here may be radical to many and arouse still think things definitely go wrong with the present educational policy.

Students,whether they be small children or college boys,or even post graduates,are oriented to the passing of a disgustingly variety of tests/ often (virtually every night) do we see first graders bending for hours over homework,the sole purpose of which is to have high scores in exams so that they might go to better middle and high they are in high schools,things get will be still more exhausted preparing for the college entrance the toiling circle does not stop will worry about further examination results determine one's such influence everything can be sacrificed,including the students' health,parents' money,and most importantly,the quality of education,by which i mean genuine knowledge and skills which can not and should not be tested with exam scores.

The outcome of such faults in the educational policy,although not intended,is that so many a student becomes sort of expert at doing exams and scores they are not competent when they take up their is the tragedy of the present may not admit the disturbing situation,but as an educator myself,i hold the issue will have to be done to reverse the trend.


When it comes to the choice between studying in traditional colleges and self-studying through Internet,recently more people choose to receive remote education,especially for those white collars,college students and professionals.

In the eyes of those people studying through Internet,remote education has its own advantages which are beneficial to their the first place,studying through Internet is more efficient and flexible because learners will not be bound up in the classroom at the required the second place,they can listen to the lessons from the famous teachers who are uneasy to contact at campus.

But remote education is still far from one hand,staying before computers too long will make students neglect the importance of the other hand,different from the traditional teaching methods,students find it more difficult to get feedback from their teachers on time.

As discussed above,it is obvious that remote education is a new teaching model without offices,classrooms and paper,and in my opinion it represents the trend of educational development and the most effective way to realize the popularity and justice of educational resource.


There has long been a view among Chinese that ^v^Spare the rod,spoil the child^v^.How did this point form and spread through China's long history may cause my really interests me is whether this viewpoint is still worthy of adoption in our modern society.

For one thing,such ^v^rod using^v^ education mode has no possibility of achieving the goal of education:the forming of a child's judgment on right and wrong as well as the developing of a child's self-control are always inquisitive and destructive,tearing up books,throwing down vases and etc,which will make you feel rather them or explain to them,you are faced up with a fact,whichever method you choose,it will be effective at that only difference is that the former one works on children's fear of penalty and the latter one on their realization of disappearing quickly,children are likely to repeat their wrong activities if you only punish learning why they are wrong and knowing what is allowed and what is banned,the children may avoid making the same mistakes in the little by little,children's judging ability will be in the long run,pointing out the mistakes and what is permitted seem more wise.

Similarly,such ^v^penalty emphasizing^v^ education mode,which somewhat seems a bit violent,harms children's growth and the forming of their characters.^v^Many adults' mental diseases have close relationship with their childhood's penalty^v^,psychiatrists say on a large number of education mode may result in children's rebellious temperaments or too timid and weak mode will widen the gap between two all these unexpected results,we would better think deeply over this education mode.

Making friends,in some sense,resembles enjoying never choose bright music whenever I am blue,because the sentimental melody soothes my tense nerve and assures me that I am understood and cared and not alone in this toughest time,and because I will feel strengthened when someone can grieve at my grief.






Study Abroad or in China?

It is obviously depicted in the cartoon given above there are two students who are discussing about whether to study abroad or in is no consensus of opinions among people as to whether students should study abroad or not. Some people are of the view that the youths should go overseas for further study if possible, while others take an opposite stand.

Those people who agree with studying abroad believe that diverse culture backgrounds can broaden students' horizon. They also claim that overseas study can shape students' personality because they are forced to deal with all kinds of difficulties by themselves. Nevertheless, the other people who agree with domestic education argue that our educational programs have been greatly improved during the past decades. They also point out that domestic education is convenient and economical.

As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight. For one thing, it can strengthen the learners' abilities to understand and communicate with people from other cultures. For another, the developed countries still have a lot advanced knowledge we need to study. When all the factors are examined, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that studying abroad is advisable.


As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global communication,tbe defects that exist in the current educational system are open to more criticism- It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be under way.

People ask for English education reform mainly because of the Inadequacy of college English education under the current system. On the one hand, many college English teachers underestimate the role interest plays in English learning and keep preaching in class. On the other hand, under the current system, most Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing from each other and therefore their English is also broken in this way. This has also greatly contributed to the dumb English of many Chinese students.

In my view, to reform English education, colleges and universities should encourage students to speak English in class and hold more activities to promote students oral English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with vivid teaching and arouse students enthusiasm in learning English. With the collaboration, the reform of college English education will surely yield plentiful] fits.


——My personal view is that with the continuous expansion of China's opening up to the outside world, the continuous progress of science and technology, and the continuous improvement of international status, English is the main international language in the world and also the most widely used language in the world. We should cultivate a large number of professionals who foreign languages, accelerate the process of ^v^four modernizations^v^ in China, and make China play a greater role in international affairs We need to learn other people's advanced technology. In recent decades, China has indeed undergone earth shaking changes, all aspects of development are very fast, but there is no doubt that we still lag behind the western advanced countries to develop and progress in many aspects We can't rely on our own research, we must learn other advanced technologies, and the prerequisite of learning is to the world's common language.

Our tool English computer program development example: Although the current computer operating has a Chinese version, but to carry out application development, most of the program information is written in English India is more developed than China in many aspects, but India's software development industry is much more developed than China's. one important reason is that India's overall level of English application programmers is better than that of Chinese programmers. To cooperate with all countries in the world, they need to learn English from others' advanced technology and experience, and also need to carry out various technical and economic cooperation with other countries You don't know English.

You can't communicate with partners. You also mentioned cooperation. For example, a company has developed world-class products.

If you can open up the international market, the future will be bright. But it happens that the company's employees don't understand English, can't communicate well with foreign customers, and the products can't perform well, which will be a heavy loss.



标签: 新学期


In our new era,there are many ways that have been changed think the biggest change for our generation is the way of the old generation,they are more inclined to corporal punishment when their children make think the best way to educate their children is to threaten them and then correct their wrong behaviors,as is the case for parents and the way of educating children in the old areas is out of can‘t educate children very can do some things,and we can’t do some things.

Now the new education method is to pay great attention to the cultivation of children‘s interests and hobbies,and then gently let the children realize the consequences of their mistakes,rather than corporal most of the children are in the rebellious corporal punishment is carried out,many children may rebel and a series of bad behaviors,which is more damaging to the life of the child?So a better way is to make children aware of their mistakes and use examples to correct them.

How parents cultivate their children in what ways will affect their children’s character when they grow can‘t solve problems,only bring more negative aspects,only bring more negative aspects,so parents must learn to be rational,not should treat them from the perspective of children.


It is quite common for parents to beat their children,because they think eating is a good way to make children learn and behave of my neighbors made a very strict demand on his son and scolded him bitterly or smacked(稍带特定味道) him whenever he was lazy or disobedient(违抗命令的).To justify(辩解) what he did,he said,” spare the rod and ruin the child.”

Actually beating is a violent way of treating does more harm and causes more hurt than good to children’s physical and psychological children is common occurrence(出现) in our children become disable because their parents hit them too lost their hearing and some became lame(跛脚的).Some children develop an internal(内在的) hatred(憎恨) for their parents and protest(抗议) by running away from may become so fearful of their parents that they tremble(发抖) at the sight of their angry mother,for example,even went so far as to beat her son to death because she was not satisfied with his (同样地),it is not unusual that the child murdered(凶杀) his parents because of the extreme contradiction(矛盾) between can children learn and grow healthily under such circumstance(环境)?

Quite often parents will be torn by pangs(剧痛) of regret(懊悔) and remorse(自责) after they have beaten their feel very sad in the rest of their it is already too can they bring their handicapped(有生理缺陷的) child back to healthy one?How can they relieve(减轻) pains in their children’s heart so easily?We can say beating hurts both children and is absolutely a bad way to make children learn and behave well.

Exactly speaking,children are also human have self-respect and should be respected.


Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: My View on Online should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.


My View on Online Education.

Being online is no longer something new or fresh in our some extent,it has become part of our daily can do a lot of things online,such as searching for information and communicating with friends far recently another helpful online activity has become very “in”.That is online education.

Why could online education be so popular within such a short period of time?Among other reasons,the quick development of the Internet should be an essential one,which makes all our dreams of attending class in the distance underlying reason is the quick development of both society and science and technology is developing with fantastic catch up with this development we all feel an urgent and strong desire to to the great pace of modern society,many people are too busy to study full time at education just comes to their aid.

Personally,I appreciate this new form of indeed a helpful complement to the traditional educational can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of of all,with online education,we can stick to our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latest knowledge.


The above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 20_. We see that one with higher education background earns more money weekly than those with lower ones. For instance, the college students with no degree get paid $712 per week whereas those with a Bachelor s degree can earn $1038.

Several reasons, in my opinion, can be identified to account for this phenomenon. To begin with, compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have received higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which are essential to a high-income work. Also, the higher one s education degree is, the bigger platform he will have to show his ability. For example, his college, university, or research institute will organize various job fairs for them to communicate face to face with employers.

This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment. Therefore, substantial education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to build our country and strive for a better life for ourselves.


Do your teachers still use traditional techniques to teach you nowadays?A revol- ution in teaching techniques is required the past, we just took it for granted that a teacher' s aim was to teach the students all that he knew and solve all the problems for , students could mot judge things on their own under this students gradually lost the ability to learn by addition, they were only equipped with the knowledge that were taught in class and made the same judgement upon every problem which might crop course, they would find their knowledge not enough to solve practical problems.

So it is time to change the teaching teacher' s goal is to help the students develop not only the ability to learn by themselves but the skills to make judgements on every aspect on their ' s not necessary for the students to turn to teachers for help while meeting with first thing is to develop the students' abilities to make sound judgements upon any problem and overe difficulties.

All in all, the aim of teaching is to liberate, but mot to fetter the students' innate powers of making sound judgements.

你的老师还在用传统方法授课吗?此刻教育方式的改革需要进行。过去,老师把他所有的知识教给学生,并帮学生解决他们所有的难题,这似乎是理所当然的。因此,在这种状况下,学生不能自我决定,也慢慢失去自学潜力。另外,他们只能学到课堂上的东西,应对任一突发事件都会作出同样的决定。当然,他 们业余感到所学知识不足以解决实际问题。




I had dinner on the evening of July 7, and my father and mother sat right next to the TV, prepared the paper and pen, ready to watch the ^v^safety education lecture.^v^

^v^Safety Education Seminar^v^ began, a picture of a real picture, a living fact warned the students: ^v^pay attention to safety, cherish life.^v^ Read the ^v^safety education lectures^v^, I learned a lot of knowledge, such as: someone fell into the water, they do not want to save, should ask adults to save; less than 12 years of age can not ride a bike; earthquake should hide below the table, Hands hands, listen to the teacher's command.

I was most impressed by a ^v^basketball girl^v^. Because she was out of a car accident, lower body amputation, can only sit in basketball to maintain life. See here, I really want to cry. Because she was too poor! Compared with the little girl, I am too happy! Because my body is very healthy, you can freely play with small partners.

Students, we must pay attention to safety, because life only once.


Being online is no longer something strange in our life. to some degree, it has become part of our daily life. We can do a lot of things online, such as searching for information and communicating with friends far and near. But recently another helpful online activity has become very ^v^in^v^. that is online education.

Why could online education be so popular within such a short period of time? among other reasons, the quick development of the internet should be an essential one, which makes all our dreams of attending class in the distance possible. Another underlying reason is the quick development of both society and technology. today,modern science and technology is developing with lightening speed. To catch up with this development we all feel an urgent and strong desire to study. however, due to the great pace of modern society, many people are too busy to study full time at school. Online education just comes to their aid.

Personally, i appreciate this new form of education. It's indeed a helpful complement to the traditional educational means. It can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning. Most of all,with online education, we can sick to our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latest knowledge.


Education is increasingly being used by high schools, colleges and universities nd the world to educate their students. Eeducation is basically about eLearning, which involves all forms of e-learning and teaching. This semester is mainly used to refer to extraccular and classom education expeences, thugh technologies such as video recordings uploaded to the Internet to learn online learning applications and pcesses, including web-based learning, comr-based learning, virtual educational opportunities and digital collaborative content communication Available over the Internet, Intranet / Extranet, dio or video tapes, satellite TV and CD-ROM.

It can adjust or direct itself, including text, image, animation, streaming video and dio and other forms of media. Becse it's a convenient and economical way for many people. For example, people living in the inteor or somewhere far away fm the capital can now access top-ll education thugh these electnic media, which s them save time and money becse they no longer have to go to the city to study.

In addition, education s ptect by saving resoces, such as the number of books or lectes, which means cutting down trees, but e-learning now s to solve this pblem. Howr, Eeducation does have its defects. For example, technolo may have pblems.

For example, although the pbability of the Internet is very all, this situation may still happen. This will mean the complete end of the learning pcess. I think there is no perfect education method in the world, but I am se that the advantages of education oueigh the disadvantages.





In China, the college entrance exam is believed to be the most cruel exam, which will decide a student’s future. Many young people complain about this educational system, they yearn for the western education, which is reported to be much eaiser. But the fact is that not all foreign students like that.


In America, high school students also need to take the very important exam so as to enter the college. Part of students choose to study in community college or just go to work, so they don’t have much pressure. They enjoy the high school life with joining many activities and taking all kinds of parties. But for the students who want to enter the top university, high school is not easy for them. They need to spend extra hours to study after class, which is much like Chinese students.


Actually, no matter in which country, every student needs to spend a lot of time studying in order to be competitive. If you yearn for an ease environment in high school, then you’d better prepare for the unexpected future.



Being online is no longer something strange in our life. To some degree, it has become part of our daily life. We can do a lot of things online, such as searching for information and communicating with friends far and near. But recently another helpful online activity has become very ^v^in^v^. That is online education.

Why could online education be so popular within such a short period of time? Among other reasons, the quick development of the internet should be an essential one, which makes all our dreams of attending class in the distance possible. Another underlying reason is the quick development of both society and technology. Today,modern science and technology is developing with lightening speed. To catch up with this development we all feel an urgent and strong desire to study. However, due to the great pace of modern society, many people are too busy to study full time at school. Online education just comes to their aid.

Personally, I appreciate this new form of education. It‘s indeed a helpful complement to the traditional educational means. It can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning. Most of all,with online education, we can sick to our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latest knowledge.


Etiquette education, which plays an important role in moral education, has caught more and more people’s attention. Because it is an integral part of quality-oriented education and contributes to the construction of a harmonious society.

However, due to the lack of etiquette education in schools and families as well as the bad influence of the social environment, many college students have little knowledge of etiquette, thus it is quite common to see their bad behaviors. For example, they have no respect for their professors and the old, they talk to each other loudly in the library and don’t care about what they should wear in public places.

Regarding the seriousness of this phenomenon, I think we should take the following measures to arouse university students’ etiquette awareness. First, parents should set a good example for their children at home. Second, colleges should pay attention to students’ etiquette education and open some courses relating to etiquette, and they ought to try their best to create a good campus environment at the same time.





Now some of the students in colleges and universities in our country pay more attention to job-hunting than to their academic work. As is shown in the picture, they seem to treat the employment guide as their major subject. Generally speaking, most of the junior students work very hard, attending classes, doing their homework and consulting their teachers. However, some of the senior students, instead of pursuing their academic studies, focus their attention on looking for jobs. As far as the purpose of the drawer of the picture is concerned, I think he intends to warn us that the fact that college graduates try to pander to the labor market will lead to the decline in higher education quality. So the drawer calls on us to respond to the situation forcefully. One point is clear that college education needs to be improved. As a result, it is the main business for students to acquire knowledge and develop abilities, which will be useful in their future careers. In my opinion, a few preventive measures should be adopted to deal with the problem. In the first place, students should realize the importance of their routine academic studies, without which there can be no knowledge necessary and no abilities needed. Secondly, students should see job-hunting in their right perspective. Only if they study in real earnest in college, can they meet the needs of their future employment.


With the popular visitation of the internet,network classrooms are gaining more and more a new teaching pattern,network classrooms have become an effective compliment to traditional some people propose on question “Will network classrooms replace traditional classrooms?”

As to this question,the opinions vary from one to people think it quite possible for network classrooms to take the place of traditional classrooms needn't have face-to-face communication,and are not limited by time and place,which facilities both teachers and classrooms release teachers from repeating the same the video or audio material can be played time and again.

However,many people have opposite stand say that with online courses students like direct communication with teachers and their confusion can not be solved addition,the computer system can not be guaranty to work Stable(staidly) all the time


Personally,both network classrooms and traditional classrooms are necessary for traditional teaching patterns and motor ones like network classrooms can be combined together,more fruitful education is sure to be realized.


With the widespread of computer, more and more people tend to use Internet to get information and learn knowledge, especially, many educational agent use online class to teacher their students. Many people think it is convenient for stu











