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我在工作之 余交了几个农村朋友,他们都是勤劳淳朴、忠厚善良的原汁原味的中国古典式农民。在这些朋友中,我交往最多的是白沙村的老盛。



































Hello everyone! Welcome to the 4A scenic spot, the national scenic spot ---fairy lake.

Xiannv lake is located 16 kilometers southwest of Xinyu City. The scenicarea is 198 square kilometers, and the water area is 50 square kilometers. Thereare 97 islands and more than 60 bays. Xiannv lake is a national key scenic spot,a national 4A tourist area and the mother river of Xinyu people. As early as1600 years ago, the legend of “seven fairies descending to earth” was recordedin the book “Soushenji” written by Gan Bao, a litterateur in the Eastern JinDynasty. The full text is as follows: “Yuzhang Xinyu County man, see six orseven women in the field, all wearing sweaters, I don't know it's a bird,crawling to get one of the women's sweaters, take it, that is to all the bird flies away, but no one can. A man is a woman and has three mother's servant daughter asked his father, knowing that the clothes wereunder the accumulated rice, he got them and flew. When they go, they will meettheir three daughters, and they will fly away. ”

Xiannv lake is a symbol of tourism in Xinyu, so you must not miss it whenyou go to Xinyu.

Xiannv lake is characterized by love mountain, water loving as the mainbody, islands as embellishment, legends and historic sites as the spirit, andlong history and brilliant humanity as the soul. Together, it has created thetranscendent status of Xiannv lake, which is “unique” in the world, and alsoachieved the “unique” ten thousand kinds of Customs of Xiannv lake. More than1600 years ago, Ganbao, a literary giant of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, left abeautiful story for Xiannv Lake by “the sweater girl comes down to earth” inSoushenji. It also proves the love between Fairy and mortal and the origin offairy lake. At the end of Ming Dynasty, song Yingxing, a scientist, finished hisgreat work Tiangong Kaiwu in Huzhong island. There are also the mysterious cliffinscriptions, the mysterious ancient town lying at the bottom of the lake, theWannian bridge after vicissitudes, and the ancient archway of Beishan Mountainpreserved for thousands of years. These colorful historical sites and legendsall tell the past and present lives of Xiannu lake. The fairy culture and waterculture of Xiannu lake are the epitome of the 5000 year history of Xinyucivilization. Because of this. Fairy Lake has multi-level beauty. Static naturalscenery and dynamic scenic spots constitute the three-dimensional customs,scenery and scenery of fairy lake.

Xiannv Lake Central wharf is composed of three parts: Wharf shoreline, shipwaiting building and environmental engineering. With a total length of 600meters, the wharf is the longest tourist Wharf in the province. Ready, let's gohappily!

Peach Blossom Island --- Peach Blossom Island is the gateway of fairy is named for its peach blossom, peach blossom and willow green in spring,peach fruit full of trees and peach culture.

Jingmen: the posters on both sides of the arched door truly record theglory of Taohua island and its owner, including the group photo taken by WeiJianxing, former political bureau of the CPC Central Committee, with the islandowner when he visited the island; the group photo taken by the island owner withWang Xiaoya, a famous program host when he was invited to take part in CCTVspecial program shooting; the photo taken by the island owner when heparticipated in the National hot air balloon competition and the award-winningphoto, etc.

Floating bridge: taohuadu on Taohua island is a 60 meter long and meterwide floating bridge, which is connected by 12 boats. Twelve boats, representing12 months of a year, symbolize the safety of the four seasons. They alsorepresent the twelve Earthly Branches and the twelve Chinese zodiac animals. Iwish all the tourists peace. The shrine of Lu Ban: it is an ancient monument ofthe Ming Dynasty, one of the two “treasures” on the island. Luban is said to bethe founder of carpenter and construction industry. Now the highest award inChina's construction industry is Luban Award. Millennium tree root: anothertreasure on the island is the Millennium tree root, which covers an area of morethan 20 square meters. It is simple and vigorous, with winding twigs, and fullof cool and wild taste. This tree was originally grown on the Bank of the riverunder the Dragon King temple. It has been green for thousands of years. In 1958,due to the flood of xiujiangkou reservoir, it was felled by mistake, leaving theroot submerged into Xiannv lake. At the beginning of this century, the islandowner invested a lot of manpower and material resources to move it from thewater to this place, which became a rare treasure. Reach out your hand and touchit three times, and you will live with it. Hot air balloon viewing: taking a hotair balloon to the sky to see the scenery of Fairy Lake is one of the highlightshere. The rising process is very exciting. Generally, people have to shout torelease their happiness to the maximum extent. Agricultural ecological orchard:more than 1000 peach trees, pear trees, waxberry and other fruit trees areplanted in the garden. In spring, there is a lot of red, which is worthy of thename of “in the place where peach blossom is in full bloom”. In addition,watermelon, peanut and other seasonal fruits and crops were planted in the openspace. This is a major scenic spot on the island. Taohua island has goodmountains, water and scenery. After traveling, tourists will feel the beauty ofpeople, flowers and mood. Taohua Island wishes the tourists good luck andhappiness.

Celebrity Island - gatehouse: the design style of the gatehouse at theentrance of the celebrity island is atmospheric and exquisite, which is verydistinctive. The three characters “celebrity island” on the gatehouse arewritten by Fu Ershi, the second son of the master of traditional Chinesepainting, Mr. Fu Baoshi. The couplets on both sides are mentioned by Mr. NiePeng and written by Mr. Zhang Xin. The walls on both sides of the gatehouse areinlaid with reliefs of “Gan Bao and Sou Shen Ji” and “Mao Yi Nu descend toearth” created by Mr. Chen zuhuang. Island Emblem: the island emblem ofcelebrity island is a combination of books, pens and brushes, which fullyembodies its cultural and artistic characteristics. Baoshi Garden: it mainlyintroduces the works and life of Mr. Fu Baoshi, a master of modern Chinesepainting. It's a scenic spot to look forward to and understand Mr. Fu Sculpture Park: there are statues of celebrities, great scholars andartists in Xinyu, such as Lu Zhao, the first Jiangxi champion in the TangDynasty, Wang qinruo, a famous official in the Song Dynasty, Yan Song, apowerful official in the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Chunfa, a patriotic general in theQing Dynasty, Fu Baoshi, a master of contemporary Chinese painting, and he Dayi,a famous doctor of modern medicine They are the best places to learn about thecultural history of Xinyu. The ancient and modern celebrities of Xinyu have madea good relay, and every tourist on the island is writing a new chapter ofcelebrity with his own life track!

Snake Island, also known as dragon and phoenix garden, is a large-scaleexhibition garden with snake culture as the theme. Snake, there is a littledragon. The dragon in the legend is composed of four kinds of animals, the mainpart of which is the body of the snake. The snake is also one of the 12 Chinesezodiac animals, and now many ethnic minorities still regard the snake as adeity. It can be seen that the snake still has a very important position inpeople's hearts. Snake totem pole: there are three large totem poles: Pangutotem pole, Fuxi Nuwa totem and Huangdi totem, which can help us understand therelationship between human and snake. The creation of the world, the sun, themoon and the stars, and the rivers and mountains are all created by Pangu, andNu Wa created human beings with earth, and filled the broken sky with colorfulstones. Huang Di was the ancestor of the Chinese nation, and had manyinventions, such as words, calendars, boats, arithmetic, medicine, : many folk legends such as “white snake and Xu Xian”, “Li Ji cuttingsnake” are depicted here. Performance Hall: you can see how the performers andgirls dance with snakes here. Under the guidance of the staff and the premise ofsafety, you can also have a close contact with snakes. Bold friends can eventake a picture of the snake and take a thrilling picture as a or not?

Snake worship altar: it is a building under the upper circle for people tounderstand the etiquette and rules of sacrifice. It is a sacred place tosacrifice to snake god. The upper level is the totem platform of snake worship,and there is a piece of “Tianxin stone” in the middle of it, which is crystalclear and natural. The four characters “heaven is my heart” carved on the stonemean that heaven and earth share the same root with me, all things are one withme, and the mind is in harmony with the will of heaven, which encourages peopleto aim high and stand up for heaven and earth. Peacock Garden: the mostbeautiful bird in the world - peacock. Ostrich Garden: the ostrich that is fedweighs more than 100 Jin and has incomparable strength.

The scenic spot we are going to is a bit shocking. Just listen to its name,it's enough to make people panic. The performance there is called “up themountain and down the sea of fire”. Dao Shan Huo Hai is a commemorative activityin Lisu festival to commemorate Wang Ji, the official Minister of the Ministryof arms of the Ming Dynasty who made outstanding contributions to their it has been promoted and converted into a performance program. In the middleof the square stands a 32 meter high knife mountain made of 72 steel knives are not the decorations of “cutting flesh without bleeding”. Theyare really sharp! After many mysterious rituals and incantations, Lisu youthsperform Dao mountain for everyone. In the process of going to daoshan, they willmake a lot of thrilling moves. After going to daoshan, the young people willshow their palms and soles of their feet for inspection. It is certain that theyare not injured. They will finish the performance by eating fire, burningthemselves, and putting on fire. The whole process is a strong impact oneveryone's vision and psychology.

Dai village --- it is a holiday resort that embodies the customs andcustoms of Dai people and integrates sightseeing, entertainment, catering,accommodation and other functions. The main scenic spots include dance hall,aerial flying rope, grass skiing, etc.

The Dai nationality is a nation that advocates water, and the watersplashing Festival is the unique festival of the Dai nationality. Dainationality is still a romantic nationality. For example, the way of young Daipeople falling in love is very unique. Men chasing women is called “string” andwomen chasing men is called “lost bag” Water Splashing Festival. From April 13to 15 of the Gregorian calendar, people sprinkle water on each other to wash away the fatigue of the past year and prayfor the new year. People pour out their love and accept the blessings fromothers. In this way, they bring the joy to the extreme. In this way, Dai peoplepray for good weather and prosperity. Later, when you enter the Dai village, ifthe Dai youths spill water on you, they are blessing you.

Dance hall: This is a performance hall used to demonstrate Dai's songs anddances and show Dai's customs. There are “a beautiful place”, “choose bride”,“Peacock Dance” and other programs. You can enjoy the exotic beauty.

Love Island --- song and dance hall: the performance in the song and dancehall is the song and dance of seven fairies performed by professional actors. Ifyou are interested, you can sing, dance and take pictures with the fairies. In20__, Milan wedding photography invested 50 million yuan to build Love Island inXiannv lake, a national 4A scenic spot with beautiful scenery, and film and television city. Love Island is a comprehensive scenic spotintegrating “tourism, leisure vacation, water entertainment, catering andaccommodation, business conference, enterprise training, film and televisionshooting”.

Longwang Island --- it is meters above sea level, 750 meters widefrom north to South and 950 meters long from east to west. It is the highestisland in fairy lake. The Dragon King Temple on the top of the mountain is thehighest building in the lake area, and also the location of the highestauthority and the highest leadership of the aquatic people in the lake. As weall know, the Dragon King is the supreme ruler of the Shui nationality. ChairmanMao said that “infinite scenery is at the dangerous peak”, and the large-scalepublicity photo of fairy lake was produced here. You can take out all kinds ofshooting equipment to take away the beautiful scenery of fairy lake. When thethree-dimensional scenery of fairy lake turns into a plane through our lens,this moment becomes an eternal beauty. (going down the mountain to get on theboat) you still remember that I started to say that Longwang island is high.

If you think about it, the process of going up the mountain is “climbinghigh step by step”, while the process of going down the mountain is “alwayshigher in the back than in the front”. In your future life and work, you will bemore talented, high in character, high in income, high in status and high incareer. Today is always higher than yesterday, and tomorrow will be higher!

Today's tour of Fairy Lake is coming to a successful conclusion. Thank youfor your support and cooperation in my work. Welcome to visit Fairy Lake nexttime. Have a good trip!
























放飞美丽 活力新余




















Dear tourist friends, welcome to Fairy Lake scenic area. Xiannv lake is themother lake of Xinyu people. It is the birthplace of the legend of “sevenfairies come down to earth” and “Chinese Valentine's Day” recorded in theancient book “Soushenji” written by Gan Bao, a litterateur of the Eastern JinDynasty. It is the earliest Lake scenic spot in Jiangxi Province. Located 16kilometers southwest of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, it is famous for fourscenic spots: love holy land, archipelago gorge and meandering water, Millenniumunderwater ancient city and subtropical plant gene treasure house. It iscomposed of six sub scenic spots: meandering water dancing dragon lake,revolutionary Holy Land Jiulong Bay, natural oxygen bar Phoenix Bay, two peaksconfronting Zhongshan gorge, vast Qianyang lake and green gene treasure houseDagang mountain. The scenic area covers an area of 198 square kilometers,including 50 square kilometers of water area. There are 106 islands withdifferent shapes, 62 lakes and bays. There are a wide range of animals andplants, with a forest coverage rate of 95%. There are 220 species, 765 genera,and more than 3000 kinds of plants, accounting for of the total familiesin China. There are 76 kinds of birds and beasts, which is the largest gene poolof subtropical tree species in Asia. In 20__, Xiannv lake was rated as anational scenic spot.

Dear tourist friends, this magical landscape of fairy lake not onlynourishes the pure love in the world, but also nurtures countless talents andcelebrities. Lu Zhao, the first number one scholar in Jiangxi in the TangDynasty, Wang qinruo, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, Liang Yin, a neoConfucianist, Huang Zicheng, a hero of Zhongliang, song Yingxing, a greatscientist in the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Chunfa, a patriotic general in the QingDynasty, and Fu Baoshi, a master of contemporary Chinese painting The names ofthe stars have been bathed in the maternal brilliance of fairy lake. There aremore than 20 unique scenic spots in the scenic area, such as Lu Zhao readingdesk, Hongyang cave, Changshan temple, Wannian bridge, Longwang island and xluvilla, which are full of scholarly charm. They complement the Lingshan Lishui offairy lake.

Dear tourist friends, now we come to the Peach Blossom Island, which isnamed because it is full of peach blossoms, peach trees and peach island is composed of two islands with an area of 21000 square of Taohua island is a building imitating the ancient city wall, which is5 meters high, 17 meters long and 4 meters wide. As you can see, it was built ofold bricks. Yes, it was built by the builders using the Ming and Qing ancientbricks discarded during the old city reconstruction of Xinyu. If you lookcarefully, you can see inscriptions such as “Yunan society”, “jiangderun hall”,“Pingyuan mansion”, “song Lingjie wall” and “Xinyu County brick” on many ancient bricks are of great value to the study of the ancient culture andhistory of Xinyu and Jiangxi. Therefore, this gate is not only a landscape, butalso a small museum of cultural relics. The posters on both sides of the archedentrance of the Jingmen gate truly record the glory of Taohua island and itsowner, including the group photo taken by Wei Jianxing, former political bureauof the CPC Central Committee, with the owner of the island when he visited theisland, the group photo taken by the owner of the island with Wang Xiaoya, afamous program host when he was invited to participate in the CCTV specialprogram shooting, and the photo taken by the owner of the island when heparticipated in the National hot air balloon competition and the award-winningphoto.

Dear friends, celebrity island is an island built with ancient and moderncelebrities in Xinyu as the main exhibition content and in accordance with thesimple and elegant style of Jiangnan gardens in China. The total area of theisland is 43333 square meters, which is composed of two small islands. From theaerial view, the big island is like a black dragon lying in waves, and the smallisland is like a green pearl in the water, just like the natural landscape of“black dragon playing with pearls”. The gatehouse of celebrity island is talland magnificent. On the wall are reliefs of Gan Bao and Sou Shen Ji and sweatergirl down to earth created by Mr. Chen zuhuang and made by folk artists. In thesoutheast of the gate tower, on the blue stone stele inlaid with huge stones,there is a “celebrity island” written by Mr. Li Qian and Mr. Shen Lixin;Standing in the shape of books, pen holders and brushes, the island emblem ofthe celebrity Island symbolizes that the celebrities of Xinyu and the people ofXinyu have written the glorious history of Xinyu together, and also metaphorsthat the celebrity island is a book. Through the understanding of the deeds ofthe celebrities of Xinyu, we can read the history of Xinyu, absorb the spirit ofcelebrities, and inspire ourselves to become talents.

Dear friends, now we come to Xianlai Island, which is located in the eastof Wulong Lake scenic area, covering an area of 250 square meters. It is thesmallest island in the development of Xiannv lake and also the landmark scenicspot of Xiannv lake. It's said that a long time ago, a Tanlang of Xinyu metYuxian here by chance and made a perfect match with one of the youngest and mostbeautiful fairies. That's why Huixian island got its name. The island iscomposed of two parts: huixiantai and the group sculpture of “sweater girl comesdown to earth”. Huixiantai is about 9 meters high and has a circular plane. Itis a domed Art Pavilion with a brake. It is divided into two parts: the pavilionand the upper and lower parts of the pavilion. The pavilion is surrounded by a2-meter-wide corridor outside. It is a good place for tourists to watch front of huixiantai stands a group sculpture of “sweater girl down to earth”.On the base of the sculpture is engraved the full text of Tanaka Sweater Girl,Volume 14 of Soushenji written by Gan Bao of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The groupsculpture adopts the technique of combining round sculpture and reliefsculpture, and sculptures seven fairies from top to bottom. They are orchid,jade and dust, waving their arms and stepping on auspicious clouds, as iffalling from the sky.

Finally, let's take a look at Wannian bridge. It is one of the “SevenBridges and one road” donated by Yan Song in the 35th year of Jiajing reign ofMing Dynasty. In autumn and winter, the water level drops. Standing on the Bankof Qianyang lake, it is clear that Wannian bridge, which has experienced 478years, still sticks to the relationship between the two sides. Bridge holes arestill countless, just like a dragon playing in the water. Wannian bridge is 386meters long and 8 meters wide, with a total of 10 piers and 11 arches. Accordingto textual research, Wannian bridge is one of the earliest and longest usedbridges in Jiangxi Province. It is also the first ancient bridge with specificdate in Jiangxi Province in Ming Dynasty and the fourth largest stone bridge inJiangxi Province. In the 1980s, when the cultural relic experts surveyed thebridge, they once sighed that the Wannian bridge alone could build a museum.

















