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  It‘s been a long time since I‘ve done something positive to the environment. Feeling guilty-ridden and determined to do something that I know would definitely please my parents and teachers,I decided to plant several trees on the hill in the rural area of the city on tree planting day with a few friends.

  Feeling breezy and light-hearted, we came to the foot of the hill and selected a place that looked suitable and settled down. We spent a few hours digging holes and placing the young seedlings. We took numerous pictures of the beautiful place. We also wrote our wishes and buried it deep down the roots of the trees. I felt tired quickly and though I didn‘t realise it, it was time to go. I gazed up at the sky and took in all the wonderful features of Mother Nature. I felt really glad that we made it for this trip and sweared that I would do my part on protecting the environment.




  The first Arbor Day took place on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), a Nebraska journalist and politician originally from Michigan. Throughout his long and productive career, Morton worked to improve agricultural techniques in his adopted state and throughout the United States when he served as President Grover Cleveland's Secretary of Agriculture. But his most important legacy is Arbor Day.

  Morton felt that Nebraska's landscape and economy would benefit from the wide-scale planting of trees. He set an example himself planting orchards, shade trees and wind breaks on his own farm and he urged his neighbours to follow suit. Morton's real opportunity, though, arrived when he became a member of Nebraska's state board of agriculture. He proposed that a special day be set aside dedicated to tree planting and increasing awareness of the importance of trees. Nebraska's first Arbor Day was an amazing success. More than one million trees were planted. A second Arbor Day took place in 1884 and the young state made it an annual legal holiday in 1885, using April 22nd to coincide with Morton's birthday.

  In the years following that first Arbor Day, Morton's idea spread beyond Nebraska with Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Ohio all proclaiming their own Arbor Days. Today all 50 states celebrate Arbor Day although the dates may vary in keeping with the local climate. (State Arbor Days) At the federal level, in 1970, President Richard Nixon proclaimed the last Friday in April as National Arbor Day. Arbor Day is also now celebrated in other countries including Australia. Variations are celebrated as 'Greening Week' of Japan, 'The New Year's Days of Trees' in Israel, 'The Tree-loving Week' of Korea, 'The Reforestation Week' of Yugoslavia, 'The Students' Afforestation Day' of Iceland and 'The National Festival of Tree Planting' in India. Julius Sterling Morton would be proud. Sometimes one good idea can make a real difference.

  For the homeowner, Arbor Day is an excellent opportunity to take stock of the trees on your property and plan for the future. Inspect your trees. Note any broken branches or evidence of disease or insect infestation. Think about how planting new trees might improve the look of your property or provide wind or heat protection. Take a trip to your local nursery to see what's available and to get new ideas. Walk around your neighbourhood. Are there any public areas where tree planting or tree maintenance might make a real difference to your community? Talk with your neighbours. Find out what their opinions are. And, oh yes, plant a tree.


  第一个植树节发生在4月10日,1872年的内布拉斯加州。它是朱利叶斯英镑莫顿(1832 - 1902),内布拉斯加州记者和政治家来自密歇根。莫顿在他长期和富有成效的职业生涯中,努力提高农业技术在整个美国收养他的国家和他担任总统格罗弗·克利夫兰的农业部长。但他的最重要的遗产是植树节。


  在接下来的几年中,第一个植树节,莫顿的想法超出内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州,田纳西州、明尼苏达州和俄亥俄州都宣称自己的乔木。今天,所有50个州庆祝植树节虽然日期符合当地的气候可能会有所不同。(州阿天)在联邦一级,在1970年,理查德尼克松(Richard Nixon)总统宣布4月的最后一个星期五为国家植树节。植树节是现在还在其他国家包括澳大利亚。变化是著名的日本“绿化周”,“树木的新年的日子”在以色列,热爱树木一周的韩国,南斯拉夫的造林一周,“学生”造林天的冰岛和“全国植树的节日在印度。朱利叶斯英镑莫顿会骄傲的。有时一个好主意可以让一个真正的区别。












