i thought it was a kitty cat
but saw it was a rabbit
he was hopping down the trail
and then he stopped to sit.
he looked back at me
and wiggled his nose
seems he wanted me to follow
so, i quickly arose.
i started down that trail
amongst the forest's trees
as that rabbit scurried off
as quickly as you'd please.
he stopped at the next bend
he once more looked at me
and as i moved nearer
he turned once more to flee.
i moved deeper in the forest
it was dark and kinda silent
i looked around the trail's curve
to see where that rabbit went.
he sat in an open clearing
of clover covered ground
amidst a group of creatures
that had gathered around.
they all watched me warily
but, they didn't turn to run
the rabbit said, "come join us.
come join in our fun."
i asked, "how do you speak?
am i losing my mind?
if i close my eyes and look again,
i wonder what i'll find?"
he said, "you're in our world now,
and if you'll truly believe,
you will be amazed at things
your heart and mind perceive."
"you will see life as it should be,
if you'll take the time to look.
you'll find all those stories true,
as told in the fairytale book."
"you'll see we live in peace,
and nearly perfect harmony.
you'll learn what it really means
to be happy, safe and free."
i sat down with legs crossed
and said, "please tell me more.
this sounds like the very place
that i have been searching for."
"i'm tired of all the hassle
of this world in which i live
where they all think, i want to take,
when i only want to give."
"it's a plastic/cardboard place
where nothing's really real.
where so many things are only said,
without the will to feel."
"so, if i like it here with you
will i be able to stay?
or will you force me to return
to where they play those games they play?"
he said, "humans are so foolish!
they are filled with hate and greed
they rip the life from the earth
after they've planted it's seed."
you say you want to stay with us
but, that can not be allowed,
for if we welcome one of you
before long, there'll be a crowd."
"we will let you stay for awhile
try to teach you what we know
that this world can live in peace
and then, you'll have to go."
but then i awakened
and realized, i'd dreamed
but i can't get over how real