高中英语作文:怎样保护视力 How to Protect Your Eyesight

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请以How to Protect Your Eyesight为题,根据提示写一篇短文.

1 眼睛工作一两个小时之后要注意休息;

2 要坚持每天做两次眼保健操.每天向远处望几次对眼睛是有好处的;

3 不要卧床看书,不要在行驶的车上或光线较暗的地方或太阳底下看书;

4 如果有东西掉进眼睛里,不要揉,应用凉开水冲洗;如果不行,应去找医生;

5 如果你须眯着眼睛才能看清东西的话,那就需配带眼镜.

怎样保护视力 How to Protect Your Eyesight

Eyes play a important role in our bodies.So protecting your eyesight is very important.Please let me introduce some ways to protect your eyesight.

First of all,eyes have to rest when it works two hours later.Then you should insist doing eyes exercises twice a day.It is good for eyes to look farther some times.Don't read in a bed or driving cars or the place where hasn't light.Don't read under the sun.If there are something in your eyes,don't rub,you should flush with the boiled and cooled water.If it hasn't reason,you must ask for docters.If you must narrow the eyes to see things clearly,then you should wear glasses.

I think you will have some good ideas about how to protect your eyesight after reading this article.


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高中英语作文:怎样保护视力 How to Protect Your Eyesight.docx




高中英语作文:怎样保护视力 How to Protect Your Eyesight