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  邱少云,革命烈士,“朝鲜民主主义人民共和国英雄” ,授于金星奖章、一级国旗勋章,下面是范文网小编为你整理的邱少云英雄故事英文简介,希望对你有用!


  Qiu Shaoyun (1926-1952), was born in Chongqing Tongliang County Shaoyun Town (formerly Sichuan Tongliang County Guan Jianxiang) Yuping Village Qiujia ditch. Revolutionary martyrs.

  He was 9 years old, his father died at the age of 11, and was captured by the Kuomintang army at the age of 13. December 1949 to participate in the Chinese People's Liberation Army, for the 15th Army 29th Division 87 regiment 9 even fighters. March 1951 to participate in the Chinese People's Volunteers to the DPRK war, October 12, 1952 due to the US military burning bombs fall near Qiu Shaoyun hidden point, the fire spread to the body, to avoid exposure, give up self-sacrifice, when he was 26 years old.

  August 30, 1953 was chased as a member of the Communist Party of China. June 25, 1953 The Permanent Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea granted him the title of "the hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" and the Medal of Medal, the First Order Medal.


  Suffering childhood

  Qiu Shaoyun, born in 1926 in Tongliang County, less cloud town (formerly Guan Jianxiang) a poor poor family. Young lost their parents, lonely and helpless. The father of the boat by the boat was born to death by the owner of the ship, and soon the mother died of illness and death in bed. At the age of 14 he began to work life, with the brothers to help the landlord to polish, and even to live, to suffer bullying and supercilious. In his young mind, deeply buried seeds of hatred. On the eve of the liberation, just adults Qiu Shaoyun, was the princes of the long-catching young men, sold into the Kuomintang army, suffered a cursed bitterness. After the Sichuan army Liu Yi's 18 group caught as a soldier.

  Looking forward to save the stars

  In 1948, Liu Deng army commander of the Party Central Committee Chairman Mao ordered the south of the liberation of Chengdu in December 1949, corresponding, Sichuan won the liberation, Qiu Shaoyun a world and the world of labor to get a new life, the sun came out, to the savior Communist Party, Qiu Shaoyun As the liberation of soldiers decided to participate in the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

  Glorious incorporation

  In December 1949, the People's Liberation Army troops into Sichuan, into the southwest. After the Chengdu campaign, Sichuan army disintegrated. Qiu Shaoyun participated in the Chinese People's Liberation Army, was added to the then People's Liberation Army No. 10 Army 29 division 87 group 9 even.

  In the autumn of 1950, with the company to participate in the Sichuan Neijiang area bandits, in the town of sandlords fighting in the war, courageously at the head, in-depth bandits, killed and killed more than 10 gangsters,

  Go to the DPRK

  In 1951 March, to participate in the Chinese People's Volunteers to the war in the DPRK. The troops went to the front of the road, he braved the US aircraft bombing bombing, from the burning of the residents of the house rescued a Korean children.

  Heroic sacrifice

  In October 1952, the troops were responsible for attacking the gold medal to the US Army led the US Army outposts 391 Highlands. Highland front is an open, in order to shorten the offensive distance, easy to attack, 11 days and nights, the troops organized more than 500 people in front of the enemy positions lurking, his row lurking in the high east of the enemy from the enemy positions only 60 meters of humilis.

  At 12 o'clock on the 12th or so, the US military blindly fired incendiary bombs, one of which fell in the vicinity of his lurking point, the grass immediately burned up, the fire quickly spread to him, burning the coat. In order not to expose the target, to ensure that the safety of all the personnel and the completion of the task of attack, he gave up self-help, clenched teeth, let the fire burning hair and flesh, adhere to more than 30 minutes until the heroic sacrifice.

  Counterattack troops in Qiu Shaoyun great devotion to the spirit of the evening victory over the capture of the 391 highlands, wiped out a US military to strengthen even.


  June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea launched an attack, the Republic of Korea retreat, to the United States and other allies for help. The United States in order to maintain its leadership and interests in Asia, the day President Truman authorized the US military attack in the DPRK. July 7, 1950 The United Nations passed Resolution 84 to authorize the United States-led United Nations force to interfere in the Korean War. On the same day, the People's Republic of China formed the Northeast Frontier Army (later renamed the Chinese People's Volunteers), if the Korean People's Army was defeated, China can quickly send troops to help North Korea and the United States led the United Nations forces to fight.

  September 15, 1950, the US military landing in Incheon, North Korea battlefield situation reversed, the Korean People's Army retreated. Because the DPRK blocked China's military intelligence against China, the war broke out without prior notice to China, which caused Chinese leaders to be dissatisfied with it, but in the case of the United States directly involved in the war, or to support the DPRK. The Chinese government has expressed its strong opposition to the "sixteen countries" of the "sixteen" United Nations forces "against the Korean People's Army, but the US military ignored the army to the Sino-Korean border, while the United States aircraft several times into China's airspace, bombing the Dandong area, The Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao Zedong decided to send the Chinese People's Volunteers to the DPRK, together with the heroic Korean people and the Korean People's Army, together with the people of the People's Republic of China, Fight side by side, fight against aggression.

  In March 1951, Qiu Shaoyun responded to the great call of Chairman Mao's "Anti-Korean War" and participated in the Chinese People's Volunteers. When he came to the DPRK, he saw the US imperialists and the new gangs of the actress to burn, kill, rob and sweep the Korean people. Witnessing the suffering of the children of the DPRK in their childhood, provoking Qiu Shaoyun's hatred of the imperialist reactionaries. To contribute to the defeat of the American invaders.

  In October 1952, Qiu Shaoyun's company received a glorious and arduous task, is to eliminate entrenched in Pingkang and gold between the three nine one high ground of the United States and Lee Jun army, the front of the line to advance. However, our army positions to three nine one between the highlands, with three thousand meters wide open, this is the enemy's fire blockade area. To such a long distance under the impact of fire, it is not easy things. Therefore, in order to shorten the impact of distance, surprise, beat the enemy by surprise, our army decided to launch the total attack the day before the night, the troops lurking in the forefront of the enemy positions.

  Fighting oath

  In mid-October 1952, in a fight against the Korean War, Qiu Shaoyun camp was ordered to undertake the task of latent. Before the latency, Qiu Shaoyun submitted to the party branch to join the party application, wrote: "would rather sacrifice their own, never exposed the target, for the sake of victory, in order to victory for the people of China and the liberation of all human beings, is willing to give their own everything. "In the implementation of the task, Qiu Shaoyun in the enemy position ahead of more than 60 meters of grass in the latent, the enemy suddenly approaching the latent area, in order to cover the potential troops, the command command ordered the artillery to combat the enemy. The enemy was attacked after the plane reconnaissance, and blindly fired reconnaissance incendiary bombs, a burning bomb just fell on the side of Qiu Shaoyun, flying into the Mars spilled on his left leg, burning his coat, hair and flesh. But in order not to expose the potential troops, he disciplined, clenched teeth, his hands deeply into the soil, with amazing perseverance endured pain, silent, motionless, until the heroic sacrifice, only 26 years old.

  Agni eternal life

  In October 1952, in order to combat the United States and South Korea troops in the upper Ganling, the Chinese People's Volunteers Army 15th Army 29 Division 87 Mission 9 Warrior Qiu Shaoyun was selected to participate in the latent forces, and served as a blast after the obstacles to remove the blasting task. On the morning of the 12th, the enemy plane to his latent area for low-altitude fire, and throwing incendiary bombs. The fire spread to him, in order not to expose the latent goal, Qiu Shaoyun let the fire burning body also motionless. His hands deeply into the soil, the body close to the ground, until the last moment of life, heroic sacrifice.











