居 住 地:甘肃- 户 籍 地:云南- 婚姻状况:已婚 身高(cm):172
20_/5-20_/3 贵州**矿业股份有限公司 工作地点: 贵州省贞丰县 工作职位: 采矿工程师、车间主任 工作职责和业绩: 前期主要负责公司二期工程井下各采场的采矿设计和现场管理、以及井下工程的预算和结算,后期主要负责二期工程井下生产管理,包括矿量组织、安全管理、月度及年度生产计划编制、材料申报,同时负责现场管理人员的技术培训和工程结算书的审核。三期工程开工后又承担了二期与三期的对接设计和三期主井井口车场的设计工作。
20_/3-/ 甘肃**矿产资源有限公司(外企) 工作地点: 甘肃陇南礼县 工作职位: 坑道主管 工作职责和业绩: 负责公司目前探矿坑道的施工管理,同时负责探矿设计、生产计划编制以及材料申报
教育背景 昆明理工大学 学历: 本科 专业: 天文地质地理类 :采矿工程 描述: 金属与非金属矿床地下开采、露天开采,工程爆破、矿山管理 语言能力 英语 - 良好 外语 简历 Seeks employment the resume
Birthday:February 16,1973 Sex:Male
Educational background:Undergraduate course
ID card:
Nation :Han nationality
Pad birthplace :Gansu province Gangu county
Registered permanent residence location :Yunnan province Kaiyuan city
Situation :Fine
Show address :Yunnan province Kaiyuan city Dongxing Road 232 OR Guizhou province zheng feng county zi jin mining industry merwry hole gold ore
Phone :
E-mail :***rong@yahoo.com.cn
Universities and colleges who graduates :Kunming technical University
Date graduating :July ,1996
Certificate number graduating :00011588
Special field :Mining engineering
Maxinal degree :BA
Title for technical personnel :Mining engineer
Foreign language :English Grade :CET—4
Driver’s license :B1
Computer level :Skilled(CAD and Microsoft office soft ware)
Speciality :Open mining design under the ground and the opencut mining detonates design,and safety administration.
Achievement working :Mining hosting three phases of projects during Ltd.of mining industry in Zijin county designs and now has to two phases of projects the stope mining method optimization.Working history :July,1996 toJune,2000,In Yunnan coper job,the conglomerate works,assume a post of an assislant engineer.June,2000 to June 20_ ,in tyanpuil yunnan province chemical plant kaiyuan city branch factory works .June,20_ to March 20_, in guizhou privence zijin Ltd.of mining industry mercury hole gold ore mining , March 20_ so far ,GanSuLongjin Mining Resoures Co.Ltd.in the factory works,assume a post of a mining engineer.
Occupation being engaged in now :Mining gold protogenesis ore.
Post :Mining engineer Occupation situation now :Be on the job
Occupation lenth of servise :12 years
Being just going to be engaged in post :Mining engineer
Expect pay :Monthly pay 10000 yuan of RMB.
Unit character :No limitation Area demands :No limitation
Mechanics :sole duty