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Revise   Unit 1&2   Book3









just,already,yet,ever,never,several,times,so far,in the last/past few years.






Have/has been to 与have/has gone to的区别:

Have/has been to意为“已经去过某地,且已回来”,have/has gone to意为“去了某地,但还未回来”。


现在完成时态可以表示已经发生了的动作持续到现在(包括相应“现在”在内)的动作或状态,但动词必须是延续性动词,因此,如果句子需要现在用现在完成时态,有些短暂性动词要改成相应的延续性动词或词组,常见的有:leave―be away,  die―be dead ,  buy―have,

borrow―keep,  open―be open,  begin/start―be on,

arrive/reach/get―be in, come/go―be in, get up Cbe up

get ill/fall―be ill,  join―be in the /be a member of


1.on the shelf 在架子上

2.at the monent 现在;此刻

3.used to  过去常常做某事

4.put down  放下;写下

5.pay for sth. 付款

6.come  up  with  提供;提出

7.think  of  认为;想起

8.get… back  找回;要回

9.pick  up  拾(拿)起

10.(a)large number(s)  of大量

11.all  overthe world 遍及整个世界

12.no matter            无论怎样

13.give   up 放弃

14.ever since  从那时起

15.so far  迄今为止

16.come  true 实现

17.slow down 减慢

18.be proud  of以……自豪

19.speak  highly  称赞

20.not only …but also 不仅……而且

21.the TV  station  电视台

22.be afraid  of  害怕

23.a  piece  of music  一首音乐

24.cut down   砍下;割下

25.make a contribution to 贡献给;捐赠

26.all one’s life (某人的)一生

27.do well  in  在某方面擅长


1.Have you got…?

Have you got a CD player?



She was worried and so was the librarian.


3.What’s the…like today?

What’s the surfing lide today?


4.Have you ever been to…?

Have you ever been to



5.There be+sth.+doing sth.

My friend said there was a truck collecting rubbish outside.


6.It’s a pleasant way to do sth.

It’s a pleasant way to help keep our city clean.



The more trees ,the better.


Teaching  Steps

Step1  Greeting


Step2  Listening exercises


Step3  Revise  the Past  Particple Tense


Step4  Ask  & Answer


Step5  Do  exercises


Step6  Homework

1、Revise Unit3&4

2、Finish exercises

3、Prepare for dictation―words and  phrasesUnit1&2


初三英语教案lesson 61

Lesson 61

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

Teaching Objectives:

1. Understand the dialogues.

2. Learn some useful expressions.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check the homework, then let the students act out their dialogues.

III. Leading in

T: Today there is a football match, Did Jim watch the football match? Did Li Lei watch it? Play the tape for the students to find the answer, then check the answers with the whole class.

IV. Presentation

Let the students go through the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook, read the dialogue on P76. Answer these questions, then check the answer.

V. Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen to and repeat, then go through the dialogue. Explain some language points: 1. win - won - won/ winner, 2. beat somebody 3 .win the game/ match 4. think of

Let the students practise the dialogue, then act out the dialogue, then do Exercise 3 in the workbook. The answers are: saw, already, win, team, stronger, beat, thank, told, place, important.

VI. Teaching grammar

Draw this line on the blackboard:



last Sunday

before last Sunday

having a lesson

has (never)seen

watched a match

had (never)seen

Ask the students some questions:

1. What are you doing now? (having a lesson)

2. What did you do last Sunday? (watched a match)

3. Was it a good match? (Yes, a very good one)

4. Had you ever seen a good match before?

No, I had never seen such a good match before.

Yes, I had seen many like that one.

Explain: The Past Perfect Tense shows an action happening before a certain time in the past. Give the students more examples:

A: Li Lei said he had seen it.

B: The train had already left when I got to the station.

C: She had finished her homework by the end of last year.

D: They had never seen such beautiful places before they came to China.

VII. Practice

Look at Exercise 2 in the workbook. Let the students match the two halves to make true sentences, then practise the dialogue with the whole class.

VIII. Summary

Exercises in class

Complete the following sentences after the model.

Model: the bell ring, I, finish, the exercises

When the bell rang, I had finished the exercises.

1. I, come to Jim's home, he, go out for a walk

2. they, get to the station, the train, leave

3. we, reach the farm, the farmers, pick a lot of apples

4. by the end of last month, we, learn about, 1000 English words

5. by 1990, the worlds population, reach five billion

IX. Homework

1. Revise the Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.

2. Make up four sentences using when, before, after, by. 



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:rules, arrive, late, hall, dinning hall, listen, listen to, fight, sorry

2) 能掌握以下句型:

① Don't eat in class.

② You must be on time.

③ Eat in the dining hall.

2. 学会用英语表达一些标志的含义。

3. 熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等)的看法

3. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词开头;

2) 否定祈使句则是在肯定祈使句前加上“don’t”。

3) 情态动词must及have to在用法上的区别。

2. 教学难点:





Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision


Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me.

Don’t open your books. Don’t talk. Let’s begin our class.


Ⅱ. Presentation

教师出示书上1a 的图片,向学生提问。


T:What’s the boy doing? S: He’s running.

T: Where is he running? S: He’s running in the hallways.(板书,教读)

T:Can you run in the hallways? S: No, I can’t.

T: So please don’t run in the hallways.(板书,教读)

(= You can’t run in the hallways.)


T:Why is he running in the hallways? S: He’s late.

T: Oh, he’s late for class.(板书,教读)

You can’t arrive late for class.(板书,教书) = Don’t arrive late for class.

Ⅲ. 1a

T: Now, Look at the picture on your textbook. Each of the students is breaking one of these rules.

Please finish 1a.


Ⅳ. Listening

1. T: Now let’s listen! What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after names?

2. 学生们听录音,完成1b,选出四位学生都违反了哪条校规;听之前,学生要读会英文名。

3. Check the answers:

Ⅴ. Pair work


Ⅵ. Listening

1. Work on 2a:

First, let's read the sentences in 2a together.

T: Now, let's listen to the recording. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.

Ss listen to the recording and check the activities they hear.

Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.

2. Work on 2b:

Make Sure Ss know what they should do.

Listen to the recording again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can't above.

3. Check the answers:

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Suppose you are Alan and your partner is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a.

2. Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Read the conversation and find some rules in this school?

2. Ss read the conversations and find the answers to this question.

3. Check the answers:

( Don't be late for school. Don't bring music players to school. You always have to wear the school uniform. You have to be quiet in the library. )


1. Remember the new words and expressions.

2. 完成下列句型转换试题

1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)

_________________________________? Yes, ____________.

2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句)

He _____ _____ _____ wear uniform.

3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)

_____ you ____ ____ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I ____.

4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) ____ do they have ____ ____?

5) You can’t go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _______ go out on school nights.

6) Don’t talk in class.(同上) No _________.


1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)

_________________________________? Yes, ____________.

2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句)

He _____ _____ _____ wear uniform.

3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)

_____ you ____ ____ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I ____.

4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) ____ do they have ____ ____?

5) You can’t go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _______ go out on school nights.

6) Don’t talk in class.(同上) No _________.


Section A (1a-2d)

Main sentences:

1. Don't arrive late for school. You must be on time.

2. —What are the rules?

—Well, we can't arrive late for class. We must be on time.

3. Listen to music in the music room.

4. We always have to wear the school rules.

5. We have to be quiet in the library.



Teaching aims (教学目标)

1. 学习祈使句的否定形式。

2. 学会使用祈使句表示规则。

3. 能够熟练使用can和can’t表示许可。

4. 能和同学谈论校规。


Language points (语言点)

1. 词汇:1)名词n. rule, hallway, hall, fight

2) 动词v. arrive, listen, fight, wear

3) 形容词 adj. sorry, outside

4) 词组 be on time, dining hall, listen to…

2. 句型:What are the rules? We can’t …./Don’t …/We have to …

Can we … ? Yes, we can./No, we can’t.

What do you have to do? We have to …

Difficulties (教学难点)


2. 如何谈论规则。


Teaching steps (教学步骤)

1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

(1)Greet the class.

(2) Listen to a song.

T: Do you like this beautiful song?

Can we listen to it in class?

T: Can we listen to music in the classroom?

What can we do in the classroom?

What can’t we do in the classroom?


2. Presentation (呈现新知识)

(1) Present the new words: classroom, hallway, dining room, fight, arriv e late for class.

Show some pictures of the new words on the screen. Have Ss read these words.

classroom, hallway, dining room, fight, arrive late for class

(2) Flash some pictures quickly on the screen. Have Ss say the words according the pictures as quickly as they can.

(3) Show some pictures of different activities that are happening in the school.

Help Ss understand the school rules.

T: Can you run in the hallways? Don’t run in the hall ways.

T: Can you fight? Don’t fight.

T: Can you listen to music in class? Don’t listen to music in class.

T: Can you eat in the classroom? Don’t eat in the classroom.

You can only eat in the dining hall.

T: Can you arrive late for class? Don’t arrive late for class.

You must be on time.


3. Drill (练习)

Show the pictures as quickly as possible. Have Ss say the new words. Then use the new words to make conversations.

T: Let’s play a game. Please say the new words as quickly as you can. Then make a conversation like this:

A: What are the rules?

B: Don’t …


4. Work on 1a (完成1a)

(1) Which rules are these Ss breaking? Write the number of the rule

next to the student.

(2) Talk about the picture with Ss using the target language.


5. Work on 1b (完成1b)

(1)Listen. What rules are these Ss breaking? Write the numbers after the names.

(2) Student A is a new student. Student B tells Student A about the rules. Make conversations with your partner.

A: What are the rules?

B: Well, we can’t arrive late for class. We must be on time.


6. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)

(1)T: Please turn to page 20. Look at the activities in 2a and read them aloud.

(2)T: Listen. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.

(3)T: Can you get the answers? Listen again and check your answers.

(4)T: Listen again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can’t.


7. Work on 2c (完成2c)

Student A is Alan and Student B is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a.

A: Can we listen to music, Cindy?

B: We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.




1. 谈论规则

2. 祈使语气

3. 表示允许

4. 能够用口头或书面描述规则



重点掌握祈使语气的用法,包括表示允许的Can及其当情态动词用的 have to do;以及各种可以用在表述规章制度的动词和句型。难点在于情态动词的用法,以及祈使句与它的应答。




Task One:

Talk about school rules to “feel” Imperatives

Goal:Get to know about the structure to express rules

Step 1: Talk about the school rules they know / remember

Step 2: Look at the picture and read the rules in Section A – 1a, telling the difference between yours

Step 3: Add more rules to your school, which you think necessary

Task Two:

Listen and find out what Ss can do and what they cannot

Goal: Try to understand the rules by listening

Step 1: Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what students can do and what they cannot do

Step 2: Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what Alex and Christina can do and what they cannot do→Section A (2a / b)

Step 3: Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what rules students break

→Section A (1b)

Step 4: Listen to the different rules that different people have to follow→Section B (2a / b)

Task Three:

Learn to read the signs for rules

Goal: Learn about the rules by reading the signs

Step 1: Learn about the rules by reading the pictures→Section B1

Step 2: Learn about the rules by reading the signs→Section B (3 b)

Step 3: Talk about the similarities or the differences about the signs between China and abroad

Task Four:

Write rules for libraries, labs, computer-rooms, and swimming pools etc.

Goal: Learn to take care of public things

Step 1:

Read the letter →Section B (3 a)

Find the rules in the letter

Write them down

Step 2:

Talk in pairs about the rules for public places, such as libraries, labs, computer-rooms, swimming pools, etc.

Discuss in groups about the rules for these public places

Write down what have been talked about / discussed






Unit 12 Don’t eat in class











