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  由于是,所以给出中文翻译..1. who's the great goal of the times, and his life has been dedicated to the human struggle and brother, who is immortal ...... (涅克拉索夫)

  2. to give the most needy area is not material wealth, it exists in the field of human-specific. (fromm)

  3. even though the world's treasure and honor for me, i do not want to leave my country. because even if my country in disgrace, i was like, love, bless my country! (petofi)

  4. the success or failure of this one

  5. not for the mediocre and health (seneca)

  6. i think that only human beings in the next heartfelt thanks to the birth of the heart to serve, is the most beautiful things on earth. (musha saneatsu-de-sac)

  7. you can not expect the same great and is comfortable. (barry)

  8. they do not care about the success or failure of li dun, who predator was reported to the motherland. (qiu jin)

  9. public opinion for the day. (shuzhai)

  10. used to be a giant cable - every day for a one-line knot in the end we finally broke it can not. (mainz)

  11. this is the general peace, not allowed to see peace, general. ((song) daoyuan release)

  12. i am the son of the chinese people, i deeply love my motherland and my people. (deng xiaoping)

  13. gou li countries, but not wealth.

  14. taibai received light night vision, yu si serve the country without the battlefield! (lu)

  15. patriotism and again against the enemy by using multiplication, is the only way of patriotism in order to guide the victory. (ostrovsky)

  16. to die for the motherland, it is the fate of the most beautiful ah! (dumas)

  17. into a gentleman, the villain retire, and love people of shen gong. ((song) fan chunren)

  18. chun can i, it is necessary to eat mulberry leaves silking, even on guoli zhu, also died wire constantly, in order to give tim a little human warmth. (ba jin)

  19. a few flies a few bites, the detention must not be a heroic gallop. (voltaire)

  20. patriotism is based on interests, in dade. (anonymous)

  21. people are the most, followed by state, the king. ( meng ke)

  22. how forces of the great patriotism of you! in the face of it, people love the study of health, fear of hard feelings, it suandeshime! in the face of it, people can be themselves, what is it! (chernyshevsky)

  23. in the dusk of life, unfortunately, a generation of people trying to feel around: some people have died in the struggle; some people fall into the abyss; all kinds of opportunity, hope and hatred have an impact on those people who are restraint bias; in the darkness of the mud walk on the road also gives the lighting light of those people, each holding the head of the fire although no one recognized his value, but he is always quietly working with live, and then disappeared like a shadow like. (purus)

  24. ming basket case when no, no guangsha disposable timber. ((tang), according to xue)

  25. their minds filled with only its own, this is exactly the kind of people the most empty person. (lermontov)

  26. green leaves in no way jealous of flowers, and beautiful flowers for the ground to work with ken. (anonymous)

  27. hard to grow up in success, often because of the psychological shadow of the cause of the abnormal deviations. this bias is to the community, people have always hated the kind of hostility do not believe that any one person, a different situation to anybody. love of life, such as money qian lin, or the abnormal psychological phenomenon of secondary importance. on the other hand, there are devices, knowledgeable people, although difficult to grow up tough, but more compassionate and generous-minded embrace of the good justice. life because he knows that the world stand by the situation. (nan huai-chin) 共2页,当前第1页12


  28. to make life into a fantasy, imagination and then into the present. (marie curie)

  29. our life is a talented, we have laid down their lives in order to get life. (rabindranath tagore)

  30. optional officials, can not be hurried. with a gentleman is a gentleman to all; with a small, small carry on into the competition. ((chinese) sima qian)

  31. fu-day non-private one, up to the public life of the poor. days of your non-private one, up to the public of those who are low. ( "united choi motto")

  32. with the help morale in the summer, the mountains and rivers of tears from the north. (kang yu-wei)

  33. hatred in the people who do not happy, smart people, even if the problems can not be forgotten, at least not always been able to put aside. (yifan)

  34. samsun is not speaking to frost, often leaving 10,000 dead state body. ((next) hai)

  35. although dead since ancient times, the good news is not a prophet. ((qing) yuan)

  36. health is also natural, is also a natural death. (shuzhai)

  37. i know one thing, you only really happy, not to serve those populations, how to find their own services. (the burning shi wei)

  38. however, dead body, with the force reported that the course of events. (wen)

  39. would be to give people the sense of superiority. (hugo)

  40. for a man painting ling smoke court, the first fame does not love money. ((ming) yang jisheng)

  41.'s the person who re-strength; country by those who re-qualified personnel. 

  42. such as employment, director of the merits. ((song) sima guang)

  43. power tools, power giant is poison. (yan words)

  44. the people want, certainly from the day of. ((weeks) dan ji)

  45. i would die of health states, i still die young, who suisi the spirit of longevity, the success of chengren to achieve harmony. (zhao health)

  46. for the g-speed line, the first to put their lives at morrow. ((chinese) dai st.)

  47. although yao yin, xing is not the cause, a kyushu and ning yu. for saint-hing and integration, the only optional in any phase will be kenya! ((chinese) sima qian)

  48. how can chen be more, anti-man is back; not wait for the twilight years, the speech was sick. ( "united choi motto")

  49. no pure free nor purely on the lack of freedom. (zhang binglin)

  50. really a very rich life, to a man to death in the country. ((next) meng-yang li)以下是中文翻译1.谁为时代的伟大目标服务,并把自己的一生献给了为人类兄弟而进行的斗争,谁才是不朽的...... (涅克拉索夫) 2.给予的最需要的方面不在物质财富范围内,它存在于人性特有的领域。 (弗罗姆) 3.纵使世界给我珍宝和荣誉,我也不愿离开我的祖国。因为纵使我的祖国在耻辱之中,我还是喜欢、热爱、祝福我的祖国! (裴多菲) 4.成败在此一举 (收集) 5.不为平庸而生 (塞涅卡) 6.我觉得,只有人类在由衷的感谢下生出的报效之心,才是地球上最美好的东西。 (武者小路实笃) 7.你不能奢望同是伟大的而又是舒适的。 (巴里) 8.成败利钝不计较,但持铁血报祖国。 (秋瑾) 9.民意为天。 (书摘) 10.习惯是一条巨缆——我们每天编结其中一根线,到最后我们最终无法弄断它。 (梅茵) 11.太平本是将军定,不许将军见太平。 ((宋)释道远) 12.我是中国人民的儿子,我深深的爱着我的祖国和人民。 (邓小平) 13.苟利国家,不求富贵。 () 14.夜视太白收光芒,报国欲死无战场! (陆游) 15.爱国心再和对敌人的仇恨用乘法乘起来,只有这样的爱国心才能导向胜利。 (奥斯特洛夫斯基) 16.为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊! (大仲马) 17.进君子,退小人,爱人才,申公论。 ((宋)范纯仁) 18.我是春蚕,吃了桑叶就要吐丝,哪怕放在锅里煮,死了丝还不断,为了给人间添一点温暖。 (巴金) 19.几个苍蝇咬几口,决不能羁留一匹英勇的奔马。 (伏尔泰) 20.爱国心是基于大义,本于大德。 (佚名) 21.民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。 (()孟轲) 22.爱国主义的力量多么伟大呀!在它面前,人的爱生之念,畏苦之情,算得什么呢!在它面前,人本身也算得是甚么呢! (车尔尼雪夫斯基) 23.在人生的黄昏时,一代不幸的人在摸索徘徊:一些人在斗争中死去;一些人堕入深渊;种种机缘,希望和仇恨冲击着那些被偏见束缚着的人;在那黑暗泥泞的道路上同样也走着那些给人点亮灯光的人,每一个头上举着火种的人尽管没有人承认他的价值,但他总是默默地生活着劳动着,然后像影子一样消失。 (普鲁斯) 24.明时无废人,广厦无弃材。 ((唐)薛据) 25.自己脑子里只装满着自己,这种人正是那种最空虚的人。 (莱蒙托夫) 26.绿叶丝毫不嫉妒花朵,而且为花朵的美丽勤垦地工作着。 (佚名) 27.在艰苦中成长成功之人,往往由于心理的阴影,会导致变态的偏差。这种偏差,便是对社会、对人们始终有一种仇视的敌意,不相信任何一个人,更不同情任何一个人。爱钱如命的悭吝,还是心理变态上的次要现象。相反的,有器度、有见识的人,他虽然从艰苦困难中成长,反而更具有同情心和慷慨好义的胸襟怀抱。因为他懂得人生,知道世情的甘苦。 (南怀瑾) 28.使生活变成幻想,再把幻想化为现时。 (居里夫人) 29.我们的生命是天赋的,我们惟有献出生命,才能得到生命。 (泰戈尔) 30.为官择人,不可造次。用一君子则君子皆至;用一小人,则小人竞进矣。 ((汉)司马迁) 31.天非私富一人,托以众贫者之命。天非私贵一人,托以众贱者之身。 (《格言联璧》) 32.凭将士气扶中夏,泪洒山河对北风。 (康有为) 33.怀恨于人,自己也不开心,聪明的人,即使不能把烦恼忘掉,至少不会总是耿耿于怀。 (一凡) 34.三生不改冰霜操,万死常留社稷身。 ((明)海瑞) 35.古来虽有死,好在不先知。 ((清)袁牧) 36.生亦自然,死亦自然。 (书摘) 37.我知道一件事,你们当中惟一真正快乐的,是那些没法去服务人群,自己发现如何服务的人。 (史威焚) 38.但令身未死,随力报乾坤。 (文天祥) 39.给予是能使人产生优越感的。 (雨果) 40.男儿欲画凌烟阁,第一功名不爱钱。 ((明)杨继盛) 41.人身之所重者元气;国家之所重者人才。 () 42.用人如器,各取所长。 ((宋)司马光) 43.权力是工具,权势是巨鸩。 (字严) 44.民之所欲,天必从之。 ((周)姬旦) 45.我死国生,我死犹荣,身虽死精神长生,成功成仁,实现大同。 (赵博生) 46.欲政之速行,莫若以身先之。 ((汉)戴圣) 47.尧虽贤,兴事业不成,得禹而九州宁。且欲兴圣统,唯在择任将相哉! ((汉)司马迁) 48.禄岂须多,防满则退;年不待暮,有病则辞。 (《格言联璧》) 49.天下无纯粹之自由,亦无纯粹之不自由。 (章炳麟) 50.人生富贵岂有极,男儿要在能死国。 ((明)李梦阳)

初中英语名人名言 只要开始虽晚不迟
经典英语名人名言 良药苦口
英语名人名言大全 Habit is a second nature





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