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  Taizhou is a young coastal city on China's Gold Coast, located in themiddle of Zhejiang coast and the southernmost wing of Shanghai Economic Zone.Taizhou City Center is 122 degrees east and 28 degrees north, which belongs tosubtropical monsoon climate. Jiaojiang, Huangyan and Luqiao are three districtsin the urban area. Under the jurisdiction of Linhai, Wenling two cities, Yuhuan,Tiantai, Xianju, Sanmen four counties. The city has a land area of 9411 squarekilometers, a sea area of 80000 square kilometers and a population of 5.46million. The urban area is 1536 square kilometers with a population of 1.4million.

  Taizhou, with a long history, is the birthplace of pterosaur fossils andXiatang culture in the Neolithic age more than 5000 years ago. After QinShihuang unified China, Huipu township was set up, Huipu county was set up inthe Han Dynasty (85 BC), Linhai county was set up in the Three Kingdoms period(257 AD), and Huipu county was set up in the Tang Dynasty (620 BC)___ Taizhoucity has been known since 1949. Since the founding of new China, it has beenestablished as an administrative office. In August 1994, Taizhou city wasestablished with the approval of the State Council.

  Taizhou enjoys the advantages of both mountains and sea, and has been knownas "famous mountain on the sea" in history. Taizhou is one of the main grainproducing areas in Zhejiang Province. It is the first place in China where therice yield per mu exceeds 1000 Jin and 20__ Jin. Taizhou is also China's mainfruit Town, famous fruit Huangyan Mandarin and Yuhuan Wendan are famous at homeand abroad. Chinese Taiwan is one of the main fishing areas in China, with a vast andrich fishing ground in the East China Sea, and its fishery output ranks first inZhejiang Province.

  Taizhou is the birthplace of China's stock cooperative system withdeveloped economy and prosperous market. 20 years of reform and opening up___ Inrecent years, the people of Taizhou have emancipated their minds, worked hardand blazed new trails. They have found a road suitable for the economicdevelopment of the city and initially established a distinctive socialist marketeconomy pattern. As a result, a relatively backward pure agricultural area hascompleted the initial stage of industrialization and entered the ranks ofcoastal cities with relatively developed economy.

  Taizhou has convenient transportation and advanced communication. Haimenport has always been an important port for foreign exchanges. In 230 ad, thefirst route between the mainland and Chinese Taiwan was opened. Today's Taizhou has aport, an airport, a national highway 104 and coastal expressways, and hasinitially built a three-dimensional transportation system of sea, land andair.

  Taizhou has a prosperous style of study since ancient times. The people arehonest and the society is stable. There are many scenic spots and historicsites. Education Science and technology are developed, and talents emerge inlarge numbers. It is a rich land on the gold coast of China.

  In 1999, with the approval of the State Council, Taizhou city wasidentified as a big city and the center of the first level economic sub regionin the urbanization pattern of Zhejiang Province. 20___ In, Taizhou MunicipalParty committee and government put forward the strategic goal of "developing bigindustry, developing big port, building big transportation and building a bigcity", positioning Taizhou as a prosperous, civilized and beautiful modern portcity.

  The goal of Taizhou's second take-off is: in 20 years___ It will be builtinto a modern coastal city with developed science, industry and trade.

  Taizhou is mountainous and coastal, with both mountain and sea scenery.Since the Han and Jin Dynasties, Taoism and Buddhism have flourished, andtemples have sprung up in the mountains and valleys, adding many culturallandscapes. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, a number ofscenic spots have been opened up. The scenic spots in the region can be roughlydivided into three categories: the mountain scenic spots mainly located inTaishan and Kuocang mountains, including the mountains in Huangyan City andWenling County, and the natural scenery is integrated with many historicalsites; Taozhu in Linhai City, Shepan island and Xianyan cave in Sanmen County,Shitang fishing village in Wenling County, Dalu island in Yuhuan County, Dachenisland in Jiaojiang city and other coastal scenic spots have great developmentpotential; most of the scenic spots in cities, counties and suburbs have beenturned into parks. Tiantai Mountain was declared as a provincial scenic spot bythe provincial people's Government in August 1985 and approved as a national keyscenic spot in August 1988. Taozhu scenic spot has been recorded in the recordsof Tainan cave forest by Feng gengxue in the Qing Dynasty. It began to attractattention in the 1980s, and there are many new discoveries. There are still manyscenic spots to be developed in all parts of the region.


  Taizhou city is located in the central coast of Zhejiang Province, in themiddle of China's coastal zone. It has a land area of 9411 square kilometers, ashallow continental shelf area of 80000 square kilometers, and 691 islands ofmore than 500 square meters. It is adjacent to Ningbo and Shaoxing in the north,Jinhua and Lishui in the west, Wenzhou in the South and the East China Sea inthe East. Taizhou city is composed of Jiaojiang, Huangyan and Luqiao districts.It governs Linhai and Wenling counties and Yuhuan, Tiantai, Xianju and Sanmencounties.

  Taizhou has a long history. Five thousand years ago, its ancestors livedand multiplied. Huipu township was established in the first emperor of QinDynasty, Huipu County in the second year of Shiyuan (85 BC) of Western HanDynasty, Linhai County in the second year of Wu Taiping of Three Kingdoms (257BC), and the fourth year of Wude of Tang Dynasty (620 BC)___ Taizhou was renamedHaizhou in 1949 and Taizhou in the following year. It was named after theTiantai Mountain in the territory. The name of Taizhou began from then on. Afterthe founding of new China, it was established as an administrative office. InAugust 1994, with the approval of the State Council, Taizhou Prefecture wasabolished and a prefecture level Taizhou city was established. The municipalgovernment is located in Jiaojiang District, a combined coastal city.

  According to 20___ According to the fifth national population census in,Taizhou is a scattered area of ethnic minorities. There are 47 ethnic minoritiesin the city, with a total of 22700 people, accounting for 0.44% of the totalpopulation. There are Tujia, Miao, Dong, Buyi and Zhuang nationalities with morethan 1000 people.

  Taizhou is close to the mountains and faces the sea, and its topographyinclines from west to East. Along the coast, there are many harbors and islands.There are various landforms in the territory, such as mountains, hills, basins,plains, bays and islands. Among them, mountains and hills account for two-thirdsof the land area, and the sea accounts for 8.5 times of the land area. There aremore than 700 rivers in the territory. Jiaojiang is the largest river and thethird largest river in Zhejiang, with a total length of 197.3 km.

  With the approval of the Ministry of communications, Haimen port, Jiantiaoport and Damaiyu port, collectively known as Taizhou port, are moderninternational ports. 20___ In 1999, the throughput of Taizhou port was 13.977million tons.

  Taizhou is rich in fishery resources, rich in large yellow croaker, smallyellow croaker and other dozens of economic fish and shrimp, swimming crab and alarge number of shellfish seafood.

  Taizhou's numerous harbors create an ideal place for the development andutilization of electric energy. At present, Taizhou Bay comprehensive energycommunity, which integrates thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power, tidalpower and wind power, has been initially completed. Taizhou Power Plant is thesecond largest power plant in the province. After the completion of TiantaiTongbai Pumped Storage Power Station, Sanmen Nuclear Power Station and HuanengYuhuan Power Station, Taizhou will become the largest energy base in EastChina.

  Taizhou is a famous fruit base in China. Huangyan tangerine is famous forits long history. Yuhuan pomelo (Wendan) is one of the four famous pomelo in theworld, and has won the championship in Chinese pomelo category evaluation for 8consecutive years. Linhai seedless tangerine, Huangyan Dongkui Bayberry andXianju XianMei are famous at home and abroad. There are 11 brands of fruit wonthe title of high quality brand in Zhejiang Province.

  Taizhou's economy has maintained a good momentum of development. 2___ In,the city's GDP was 74.8 billion yuan, an increase of 11.9% over the previousyear, of which the added value of the primary industry was 9.2 billion yuan, anincrease of 4%; the added value of the secondary industry was 43.9 billion yuan,an increase of 12.8%; and the added value of the tertiary industry was 21.7billion yuan, an increase of 13.7%. The city's total financial revenue was 6.5billion yuan, an increase of 22.3%. Self operated exports totaled 1.54 billionUS dollars, an increase of 34.8%.

  Taizhou is the birthplace of stock cooperative economy. In agriculturaleconomy, the planting area ratio of grain and non grain crops is 60:40. Thetotal amount of marine fishing and mariculture ranks first in the province.Industrial economy is the main body of Taizhou economy. Industrial pillarindustries include power and energy, auto parts, medicine and chemical industry,household appliances, plastic molds, clothing machinery, water pump valves, artsand crafts, emerging materials, shoes and clothing. Taizhou is an importantproduction base of fine chemicals, artificial crystals, industrial sewingmachines, antineoplastic drugs, body retention hormone and contraceptives,cephalosporins, refrigerators, pressure cookers, automobiles and motorcycles andtheir molds and accessories. "Qianjiang", "SUPOR", "Feiyue" and "Xingxing" arewell-known trademarks in China. "Star" refrigerator and "Shuanglu" airconditioner won the title of national inspection free commodity, and "Qianjiang"and "Haizheng" were listed in the top 520 in China. A total of 23 industrialproducts in Taizhou have won the title of famous brand products in ZhejiangProvince, and 24 of them rank first in terms of production and sales inChina.

  Taizhou has been known as "famous mountains on the sea" since ancienttimes, with fantastic mountains, beautiful waters and beautiful scenery. Rich intourism resources, there are more than 60 natural and cultural landscapes. Ithas national famous historical and cultural city Linhai, national key scenicspots Tiantai Mountain and Shenxianju, national 4A tourist area ChangyuDongtian, provincial scenic spots Taozhu, Fangshan nansongyan, dachendao anddaludao marine parks, Guoqing temple in Tiantai County, Taizhou ancient city inLinhai City and Taozhu Anti Japanese ancient city.


  Dear tourists

  hello everyone!

  Now, please look to the left. On our left is the administrative building ofTaizhou Municipal government, which is the seat of our Taizhou Municipalgovernment. Taizhou Municipal government administration building, with aconstruction area of 49510 square meters, 18 stories high and 62.9 meters high,has won the national quality project, namely Luban Award. Taizhou is located inthe central coast of Zhejiang Province, in the middle of the mainland coastline,between Ningbo and Wenzhou, facing the vast east China Sea. The land area is9411 square kilometers, the sea area is 80000 square kilometers, and there are691 islands over 500 square meters. Taizhou has a population of 5.46 million, ofwhich the urban population is 1.4 million. As early as the Neolithic age, theOuyue tribe lived and multiplied in Taizhou. Huipu township was set up by thefirst emperor of Qin Dynasty. Huipu county was established in the second year ofthe first Yuan Dynasty (85 BC) of the Western Han Dynasty. It is the earliestCounty in Taizhou. Its jurisdiction is roughly equivalent to the present-dayTaizhou, Wenzhou, Lishui and other places, as well as the vast area north ofMinjiang River in Fujian Province. Its area is five times larger than thepresent-day Taizhou city. In the second year of Taiping (257 A.D.) of Wu Shaodiin the Three Kingdoms, Linhai county was established. The fourth year of Wude inTang Dynasty (620 AD)___ The name of Taizhou was changed from Linhai to Haizhouthe following year because of the Tiantai Mountain in the territory. Since then,the name of Taizhou has been used to this day. Since the founding of new China,it has been established as an administrative office. In 1949, Taizhouestablished the sixth Office of the Zhejiang provincial Commissioner, laterrenamed Taizhou Office of the Commissioner, commonly known as Taizhou district.In 1978, Taizhou administrative office was established, known as Taizhoudistrict. It was not until August 22, 1994 that the State Council officiallyapproved the withdrawal of land to build Taizhou into a city. With the rapideconomic development, the political center of Taizhou has moved from the ancienthistorical and cultural city Linhai to the economically developed "GoldenTriangle" zone of Jiaojiang, Huangyan and Luqiao, where the municipal governmentis located. Taizhou's climate belongs to subtropical marine humid climate, withmild climate, abundant rainfall, four distinct seasons and an average annualtemperature of 16. 6-17。 Between three degrees Celsius. Taizhou is an area withmore mountains, more water, more sea and less land. We can use seven rivers, twomountains and one field to summarize its geographical characteristics.Therefore, Taizhou has a vast sea area with a coastline of 745km, accounting for28% of Zhejiang Province. Taizhou now governs nine counties, cities anddistricts, namely Yuhuan, Tiantai, Sanmen and Xianju, Jiaojiang, Huangyan andLuqiao, and Wenling and Linhai. Apart from Tiantai and Xianju, the other sevencounties, cities and districts are close to the East China Sea, which forms amajor feature of Taizhou, with many harbors and convenient shipping.

  Now we see Taizhou daily. The newspaper now publishes three newspapers,Taizhou daily, Taizhou evening news and Taizhou business daily, with colorprinting every day. The average daily circulation of the three newspapers is300000. There is a relatively complete distribution network system, with morethan 500 issuers, undertaking all kinds of delivery, publicity, investigationand marketing business. So that the people of Taizhou can see the newspapersthey want to read in time. These three newspapers mainly publish thecomprehensive news of Taizhou local news, play the function of externalcommunication and information exchange, and serve Taizhou to go to the world andunderstand Taizhou. It can be said that they are an important window forTaizhou's external communication.

  Jiefang Road, where we are now, is one of the main commercial streets inTaizhou city. Jiefang Road and Zhongshan Road are both commercial streetscharacterized by fashion shopping. At the intersection of Jiefang Road andZhongshan Road, which is called Taizhou Commercial prime area, there is a largeshopping center, Jinjiang department store. Jinjiang Department store has abusiness area of 23000 square meters and operates medium and high-end businessesIt is one of the fastest-growing and largest modern department stores in Taizhoucity. Here, for the first time in Taizhou, you can enjoy the youth of Giordanoand esprit, the classic of X -- moon and E +, and the noble flavor of Omega andLongines. Here, you can enjoy the fun of one-stop shopping integrating shopping,leisure and entertainment. With brand-new brand, brand-new management, brand-newimage and brand-new service, Jinjiang department store sincerely looks forwardto performing the brand-new dynamic charm of urban life with you.

  How can I feel like I'm advertising for Jinjiang department store? Ha ha,let's move on.

  Now we are on Jiefang North Road. At the end of this road is the passengerterminal, that is, terminal 7. It is mainly sent to Shipu, the ancient city offishing port, and Dachen Island, the marine forest park. Haimen port is thethird largest port in Zhejiang Province. There are many terminals. In additionto the terminal 7 we see, terminal 1 is a special coal terminal, terminal 3 is aspecial general cargo terminal, and Taizhou cargo terminal The wharf of stateowned Assets Management Bureau, the self provided oil wharf of Taizhou oilcompany, and the self provided Coal Wharf of Taizhou Power Plant.

  Taizhou has a long coastline of 745 kilometers and many deep-water ports.It has always been a maritime gateway for foreign exchanges. As early as 230 ad,Sun Quan, who was sent by the Chinese mainland, dispatched general Wei Wei andZhuge to the army for more than 2 thousands of people. Starting from Zhang an,Zhang an is the opposite of the passenger ferry pier we just saw, and it isdirectly to the Yizhou and Chinese Taiwan. This also marks the beginning of the exerciseof jurisdiction by the Chinese mainland to Chinese Taiwan. At present, the city has 21ports, including Haimen port in Taizhou Bay, Jiantiao port in Sanmen Bay andDamaiyu port in Yueqing Bay. 20___ In, the Ministry of communications of thepeople's Republic of China approved the unified designation of Taizhou port asTaizhou port, and determined that Taizhou port is a multi-functional,comprehensive and modern international port with Haimen port as the center andbarley island port and Jiantiao port as the north and South wings.

  The road we are on now is Jiangbin West Road. On your right hand side, youcan see Jiangbin Park, which is the Bund of Taizhou. Every night, when thelights are on, there are lots of tourists. As we all know, Taizhou is a placethat is often disturbed by strong typhoons. After the strong typhoon of November1997, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government made up theirminds and issued the call of "all the people mobilize to develop waterconservancy and build seawalls with one mind". They are determined to smash thepot and sell iron, tighten their belts, and build 1000 km important seawallswith low coastal standards into high standard Seawalls in three to four years.This decision has won the support of the people and received positive responsesfrom all over the province. In only three years, the province has invested 4.5billion yuan to build 1020 km of standard seawall. A "Great Wall on the sea"against Chinese Taiwan and tide lies on the coast of the East China Sea. The monument infront of it is the "monument to the Qianli seawall in eastern Zhejiang"inscribed by Chai Songyue, former governor of Zhejiang Province and now chairmanof the State Electric Power Regulatory Commission. The monument is cylindricaland high It is 21 meters in diameter and 5 meters in diameter. It is 3 meterslong and has a bronze head at the top, weighing 4 meters. The 5-ton buffalooverlooks the sea. Why is buffalo at the top? From the perspective of yin andYang and five elements, cattle belong to earth and earth controls water, whichalso expresses people's good wishes for conquering nature.

  What we are seeing now is Taizhou Power Plant, the backbone power plant inEast China, with a total installed capacity of 1.44 million kilowatts. It is anational super large enterprise, a national first-class thermal power plant, andthe main power plant in Zhejiang Province. It is known as "the wings of economictake-off in Southeast Zhejiang".

  Taizhou is a big power and energy city. At present, Taizhou Baycomprehensive energy community, which integrates thermal power, hydropower andwind power, has been initially built. In addition to the Taizhou Power Plant wejust saw, there are Wenling Jiangxia tidal test power station, which ranks firstin China and third in the world; Cangshan wind power station, which is thelargest wind power plant in East China and the highest relative altitude in theworld; Sanmenwan nuclear power base with a total investment of about 25 billionyuan and an installed capacity of 2 million kilowatts; Huaneng Yuhuan thermalpower plant with a total investment of 20 billion yuan and an installed capacityof 3.6 million kilowatts and an investment of 48 billion yuan. Tiantai TongbaiPumped Storage Power Station, a state key project with an installed capacity of1.2 million kilowatts and a total investment of 700 million yuan. In the future,Taizhou will become the largest and most important energy base in East China,with nuclear power as the main source, thermal power and hydropower as theauxiliary, pumped storage power generation as the supporting, wind power andtidal power as the complementary.

  Now the car has entered the Ferry Road, and there are many characteristicleisure streets in Jiaojiang. For example, beixinjiao street is a century oldstreet, the architectural style of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic ofChina is organically blended with Western and modern architectural styles,showing the regional customs and folk culture of Jiaojiang, providing localsnacks, etc.; Zhongshan Road and Jiefang Road are mainly for fashion shopping;Gongren road is mainly for entertainment and leisure; Gongren road is mainly forleisure; The Ferry Road where we are now is dominated by seafood and local brandshopping. You can see that there is a haizhimen hotel in front of us. The TVplay haizhimen, which is now on the air, is the longest series and the largestscale of investment in domestic reform and reality TV series. Its creativebackground is the history of reform and opening up in Taizhou, which ishistorically short of state investment The vigorous development of more than 20years has been compared to "grassroots" economy by economists, and the firstjoint-stock cooperative enterprise in China has been born here. The GDP has beengrowing at a high speed of more than 13% on average. The comprehensivecompetitiveness of Taizhou has ranked 35th among large and medium-sized citiesin China, and the industrial competitiveness has ranked 16th; 20___ In, thedisposable income of residents ranked second in the Yangtze River Delta, up to18313 yuan, only 300 yuan less than that of Shanghai; Taizhou now has 12national capitals and bases, 8 Chinese famous brand products, 5 Chinese famoustrademarks, 20 national quality inspection free products, and 48 industrialproducts, ranking first in China. Famous enterprises include China leap Groupfounded by Qiu Jibao, who is praised as national treasure by Zhu Rongji, ChinaGeely Group, which makes its own cars for China, and China Qianjiang Group,which has the largest motorcycle manufacturing base in Asia.

  On the left side of the window is Taizhou Telecom Building, which is alsothe original Telecom Building. In the New Telecom Building, we can see that overthe years, as the main force of information construction, Taizhou Telecom hasbeen committed to the information construction in Taizhou. On the constructionof Taizhou's Informatization___ The goal of the plan is that the broadbandbackbone network should cover the whole city, with 800000 Internet users, 500000broadband users, 42% of the main line of fixed telephone per 100 people, 70mobile phones per 100 people, 70 computers per 100 people, digital TV basicallyrealized, and 95% of the enterprises' Internet access rate. Therefore, the taskof Taizhou Telecom is quite arduous . As for the logo of China Telecom, you maybe familiar with it no more. What's the meaning of it? The white pattern ofChina is the trend line of the first letter C of China Telecom. It looks like anopen arm, an energetic bull's head and a flying dove. It has a strong sense ofthe times and visual impact. It conveys the self-confidence and enthusiasm ofChina Telecom, which symbolizes that the smooth and efficient telecom networkconnects every corner and serves more users. It also strongly expresses theservice concept of "customer first, service with heart", and embodies the goodfeelings of connecting with users hand in hand and heart in heart. The maincolor of the logo is blue, which represents high technology, innovation andprogress. Calligraphy style is adopted in the writing, which shows vitality,appeal and affinity. It matches with the international logo, making theclassical and modern integrated, and the tradition and fashion complement eachother.

  On our right is Taizhou Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Theancient Chinese medicine not only blooms in China, but also is highly praised inmany countries and places in the world. Traditional Chinese medicine is ahistorical heritage, so it has to reproduce the history. Why is it so prosperousin the long history of traditional Chinese medicine? The main way is to realizeit by the way of teacher leading apprentice and father passing on son. What'sthe origin of traditional Chinese medicine? As early as in ancient times, ourancestors created primitive medicine in the struggle with nature. In the processof searching for food, people found that some food can alleviate or eliminatesome diseases. This is the origin of the discovery and application oftraditional Chinese medicine. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine mainlycomes from practice, and has been constantly enriched and developed in practice.As early as 20__ years ago, the earliest monograph of traditional Chinesemedicine theory in China, Huangdi Neijing, summarized the previous treatmentexperience and medical theory. Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing in Qin and Han Dynastieswas the earliest monograph on pharmacology. Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor inEastern Han Dynasty, wrote treatise on febrile diseases, which laid thefoundation for the development of clinical medicine. Later generations praisedthis book as the "ancestor of Prescriptions". Sun Simiao, a doctor of the TangDynasty, wrote a Book of prescriptions for thousands of gold, which is a greatcollection of prescriptions before the Tang Dynasty. The Song Dynasty paid moreattention to the education of traditional Chinese medicine. The Song governmentset up the "Taiyi bureau", as the highest institution to cultivate talents oftraditional Chinese medicine. Li Shizhen, a pharmacist in the Ming Dynasty,wrote compendium of Materia Medica, which made outstanding contributions to thedevelopment of Chinese and world pharmacology. To sum up, we can see thattraditional Chinese medicine is an important part of the splendid culture of theChinese nation, and the academic degree of traditional Chinese medicine is veryimportant For thousands of years. It shows its own strong vitality, and togetherwith modern medicine, it constitutes the socialist health cause in China.

  Jiazhen street is located in Taizhou new city, where the key projects areconcentrated and the infrastructure is improving day by day. Jiaojiang bridge,Taizhou Central Avenue, 82 provincial road and other backbone roads run throughit, including Taizhou gymnasium, Taizhou passenger transport center, Jiaojiangcampus of Taizhou University, Taizhou Branch of Graduate School of ZhejiangUniversity, Taizhou Branch of Graduate School of Zhejiang University, Jiazhenstreet Jing cultural corridor, Oriental Sun City and other cultural and sportsfacilities are scattered, which will be the high-grade cultural plate of Taizhouin the future, with strong humanistic atmosphere, and will play an extremelyimportant role in promoting the development of new Taizhou in the future. Howdoes the word "Jia" come from? "Jia" is the reed beside the water, and "Wei" isthe depression beside the water. Jiawei is located by the river and formed bythe alluvial of Jiaojiang River. It used to be low-lying and full of reeds.Jiawei got its name from this. It is mainly marine plain, accounting for morethan 80% of the total area There are advantages of mountains and seas, forming aunique natural environment. Jiaji has a long history. It is said that Zhao Gou,king of Kang, once stayed in Jiaji in the Southern Song Dynasty. Up to now,there are still relics on the riverside facing jinqia mountain, an ancient townof Zhang'an across the river. Jiaji is located at the estuary of JiaojiangRiver, with convenient transportation. As early as the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Jiaji was a famous coastal town in central Zhejiang, where merchants gathered,people gathered, agriculture, fishing and business flourished. Zhejiangfisheries school was once located in Jiaji, where folk activities such assending off heatstroke were very characteristic. Now many experts compare thedevelopment of Jiaji with that of Hong Kong, because Hong Kong was also a smallfishing village. As an important part of Jiaojiang, Taizhou is striving to builda national health city, a national excellent tourism city and a nationalecological demonstration city.


  Shenxianju scenic spot is located in the south of Baita Town, with a totalarea of 14. With an area of 93 square kilometers, it is the core scenic spot ofTaizhou Xianju national scenic spot, with Xiyuan Valley as the center, forming adeep and unique landscape of peaks, cliffs, streams and waterfalls. In thescenic area, the landscape is rich and concentrated. The cliffs are steep, andthe peaks and cliffs are surrounded. The relative height difference between thepeaks and cliffs is more than 100 meters. The bedrock and rockfall areeverywhere. The streams and waterfalls are continuous all the year round. Thereare more than 80 scenic spots in the scenic area, such as Yingke Mountain God,jiangjunyan, sleeping beauty, elephant trunk waterfall, shiyixie waterfall, etc.Shenxianju scenic spot is not only a typical representative of Xianju nationalscenic spot, but also a national AAAA tourist area. It has been rated as "themost favorite scenic spot for tourists", "Zhejiang Province boutique scenicspot" and "Zhejiang Province writer creation base". The overall framework of thescenic spot is divided into three levels: first, from the entrance to theFeitian waterfall, the road is full of strange peaks and rocks, full of fun;second, from the Feitian waterfall to the Tiancao waterfall, it is an amazingwaterfall group; finally, the tour road. 1、 In the second level and the secondlevel, we walk in the valley and look up at the strange peaks and rocks aroundus. In the third level, we can reach the top of the mountain and overlook themountains. Let's follow me to see this lifelike, powerful and handsome naturalstone statue, general rock. His eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and cheeks aredistinct, lifelike, natural and unique. It can be called a tourist wonder and amasterpiece of heaven and earth. So, do you see the sleeping beauty in front ofus? She wears a wreath on her head and puts her hands in front of her chest. Herbody is full of curves. Her head, chest and feet are in perfect proportion. Evenher beautiful eyelashes are clearly visible. There is a beautiful story betweengeneral Shi and sleeping beauty. He is sentimentally attached to this beauty."General loves beauty" is one of the wonders of Shenxianju scenic spot. Theplace we are going to visit now is the 11th cascade. The first waterfall we seeis called "elephant trunk waterfall", which is the first cascade of the 11thcascade. Because the two mountains on both sides of the waterfall are like twoelephants, and the water just comes out of the elephant's trunk, it is called"elephant trunk waterfall". The water flow of "elephant trunk waterfall" is thelargest of all the waterfalls in the scenic area, and it is not dry for a longtime. The second waterfall is located in the stream of "elephant trunk lockstream". The huge stone in the pool looks like a huge tortoise from the overallshape, so it is called "turtle lying pool". Below the third waterfall is acircular deep pool, which has a depth of more than 5 meters. It is the deepestpool in the scenic area, called "fairy shower pool", followed by "beautywaterfall", "Yuanbao pool", "Yuwan pool" Finally, what we want to see is the11th cascade - "Tiancao waterfall". Its bottom is not a pool, but a long andnarrow groove. When the water flow of the waterfall is large, the waterfallrushes over this groove, like sparks flying out, beautiful and spectacular! Dearfriends, the process of level 11 waterfall has basically ended. There are twoways to return, one is the original way to return, and the other is the circulartrail.











