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  Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.

  In 1993, Dandong Municipal Party committee and government invested morethan 2 million yuan in the development of the broken bridge. In recent years,another 4 million yuan has been invested in the addition of scenic spots andmaintenance. The broken bridge has become a patriotism education base andtourist destination with complete facilities and functions. It has been rated asthe youth patriotism education base of the province and the whole country, andhas officially become one of the second batch of 100 patriotism educationdemonstration bases in China. Over the past eight years, Duanqiao has receivedmore than 900000 Chinese and foreign visitors.

  The broken bridge was originally the first bridge on the Yalu River. It wasbuilt in 1909. It is 944.2 meters long and 11 meters wide, with 12 holes. Thefourth hole is "open and close beam", which can be rotated to open and close andis convenient for ships to navigate. During the war to resist US aggression andaid Korea, it was bombed by US troops. The four remaining holes on the Chineseside have become the historical witness of the war to resist US aggression andaid Korea. Now it is a national patriotism education base. Visitors can climbthe bridge and find it by hanging. It is the main scenic spot of bridge scenicspot in Yalu River National key scenic spot.

  The broken bridge of Yalu River is a vivid textbook of patriotismeducation, which integrates shame, struggle and achievement. In 1905, in orderto plunder China, the Japanese aggressors forcibly built this bridge on the YaluRiver. During the period of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, in orderto cut off our supply line, the U.S. Army blasted off this bridge on November 8,1950, leaving only the "broken bridge" on the Chinese side. Over the past 100years since its birth, this bridge has witnessed the hard journey of the Chinesenation from enduring humiliation to fighting, from experiencing setbacks toconstant victory, from being the master of the country to becoming rich throughreform and opening up. Standing on the broken bridge, we can not only review thehistory, enhance the patriotic enthusiasm, but also enjoy the achievements ofDandong since the reform and opening up.

  In 1905, in order to plunder China, the Japanese aggressors forcibly builtthis bridge on the Yalu River. During the period of resisting U.S. aggressionand aiding Korea, in order to cut off our supply line, the U.S. Army blasted offthis bridge on November 8, 1950, leaving only the "broken bridge" on the Chineseside. Over the past 100 years since its birth, this bridge has witnessed thehard journey of the Chinese nation from enduring humiliation to fighting, fromexperiencing setbacks to constant victory, from being the master of the countryto becoming rich through reform and opening up. Standing on the broken bridge,we can not only review the history, enhance the patriotic enthusiasm, but alsoenjoy the achievements of Dandong since the reform and opening up.

  In 1993, Dandong Municipal Party committee and government invested morethan 2 million yuan in the development of the broken bridge. In recent years,another 4 million yuan has been invested in the addition of scenic spots andmaintenance. The broken bridge has become a patriotism education base andtourist destination with complete facilities and functions. It has been rated asthe youth patriotism education base of the province and the whole country, andhas officially become one of the second batch of 100 patriotism educationdemonstration bases in China. Over the past eight years, Duanqiao has receivedmore than 900000 Chinese and foreign visitors.

  In June 1993, the broken bridge was opened up as a tourist attraction. Onthe bridge, there are one viewing platform for the original bridge rotation andblasting, one turret, and 30 display boards for historical stories of thebridge. Tourists visiting the broken bridge can not only understand the historyof the broken bridge, watch the scenery on both sides of China and North Korea,but also stimulate patriotic enthusiasm and dedication to serve the country. InJune 20__, the Yalu River Bridge was named the national patriotic educationdemonstration base by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee. InAugust 20__, it was listed as a national key construction red tourist attractionby the national development and Reform Commission.


  Hello, tourists. I'm tour guide. Today, I'd like to accompany you to visitthe Yalu River. Now we come to the Yalu River, the boundary river between Chinaand North Korea.

  Yalu River is the second largest river in Liaoning Province. It flowsdirectly into the Yellow Sea. Along the coast, there are many green mountains,dozens of deep and mysterious canyons, numerous islands in the river, as well asthe river bank with peculiar folds, luxuriant vegetation and rare birds andanimals. All of these constitute a natural landscape with water scenery as thefocus, mountain scenery as the echo, clear mountains and rivers, and colorfulscenery in North Korea.

  The Yalu River scenic spot has a colorful natural landscape on this side ofour country. The great wall of Hushan, the ruins of modern Japanese Russian war,modern bridges and large-scale water conservancy projects constitute a richcultural landscape. Now it is divided into six scenic spots, namely Jiangkou,Daqiao, Hushan, Taipingwan, Shuifeng and lvjiang scenic spots (for moreinformation about the six scenic spots, please refer to walking into the YaluRiver).

  Dandong is located by the beautiful Yalu River and on the coastal plain ofthe core scenic spot. It is known as "the first border city of Wanli sea border"- the starting point of the east end of Wanli sea border (the east end of 18000km coastline and the west end of Beilun estuary); it is the largest border cityin China.

  The Yalu River section, which flows through Dandong City, starts fromHunjiang estuary in the East and ends at dadonggang in the west, with a totallength of 210 km (please note that the Yalu River originates from ChangbaiMountain, with a total length of 795 km, and the upstream section is located inJilin Province). The total drainage area is 61900 square kilometers, 32500square kilometers on the Chinese side and 11700 square kilometers inDandong.

  Yalu River gets its name because of its color. The green water is just likethe shining green of a male duck's neck. People call it Yalu River. It has beenfollowed up to now. Long ago, the ancient name of Yalu River was Mazi water.

  You see: on the right bank is Dandong business and Tourism Zone, which hasa history of ten years. The modern urban construction has given new vitality toChina's largest border city. The tens of miles of urban buildings make peoplemore aware of Jiangcheng people's preference for water.

  On the right bank, there is the longest riverside sightseeing road in theworld, which is the Yalu River landscape Avenue in Dandong City. This roadparallel to the Yalu River extends up to the foot of Hushan mountain. Toweringtiger mountain stands by the river, overlooking the beautiful Yalu River,witnessing a long history.

  On the right bank, people either walk in the beautiful square beside theriver, or play on the river; people enjoy playing with water in various ways,enjoying the unique beauty of Jiangcheng endowed by nature, and creating a newera of songs of triumph!

  You see: the left bank is Sinuiju of North Korea. Dandong City facesBitong, Qingshui, Yizhou and xinyizhou across the river.

  It's a country that attracts the eyes of the world. It's a land that usedto burn. Hundreds of thousands of outstanding sons and daughters of new Chinaspilled their blood on that land, condensed their blood into Sino Koreanfriendship, and exchanged their blood for peace.

  People in the upper reaches of the river, river boats downstream. It is theYalu River that creates the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Strait, andit is the Yalu River that nurtures the hardworking people on both sides. Whenyou see the Yalu River with clear water, you may ask, which is the largest riverin northern China (the second largest river in Liaoning, the largest river inthe area north of the Yellow River the basin is the place with the mostprecipitation in northern China)? What is the difference between the Yalu Riverand the famous rivers in China? The difference is that the Yalu River flowswestward. As long as you open the map of China, you can see the differencebetween the Yalu River and the famous rivers in China The starting point of theeast end is the Yalu River Estuary (it is 18000 kilometers away from thesouthernmost Beilun estuary). Due to the construction of several largereservoirs in the upper reaches, the water level of Yalu River is low now, so itis difficult to use large vessels.

  Cruise ships carry us to walk as close as possible to each other's shore,which is a major feature of Yalu River Tourism - as long as we don't get on theother bank, we don't cross the boundary, which is rare in all boundaryrivers.

  Let's see: the "Sino Korean friendship bridge" flying across the Yalu Riverin front is the iron bridge from Dandong to xinyizhou. It started constructionin April 1937 and was completed in May 1943, with a total length of 940.8meters. Next to it is a broken bridge - the Yalu River Bridge.

  The Yalu River broken bridge is the first bridge on the Yalu River. It wasstarted in May 1909 and completed in October 1911. It was built by the RailwayBureau of the Korean governor's office at that time. It is a railway bridge with12 holes and 944.2 meters in length. The fourth hole from the Chinese side isthe opening and closing beam, with the fourth pier as the axis, which can rotate90 ° to facilitate the navigation of passing ships.

  During the puppet Manchukuo period, the Japanese built the second railwaybridge (today's Sino Korean friendship bridge) upstream of the bridge, which wasopened in April 1943 and gradually changed into a highway bridge. From November1950 to February 1951, US aircraft bombed the Chinese side for many times. Theremaining four holes of the bridge remain today.

  As you can see, the bullet holes shot by the US aircraft are still on thebridge. It's a witness of history. Now the broken bridge is a cultural relicprotection unit at the municipal level, and it is also a national patrioticeducation base. Let's think about it. Why is the bridge painted light blue?That's to keep the war in mind and hope for peace.

  Thank you for visiting the Yalu River. We will continue to visit otherscenic spots of the Yalu River scenic area.


  Hello, tourists! I'm the tour guide of __× travel agency. First of all, onbehalf of the travel agency, myself and the driver, I would like to extend awarm welcome to the guests coming from afar. If you have any difficulties andrequirements in the following itinerary, please tell me in time. We will provideyou with satisfactory service wholeheartedly. Here, I wish you a happy trip toDandong. In the next few days, we should help and care for each other to makeour tour group a harmonious family. Today, before visiting various scenic spots,I would like to introduce the general situation of Dandong.

  Geography and population

  Dandong is located on the shore of the Yellow Sea and the Yalu River, inthe southeast of Liaoning Province, across the river from xinyizhou city of theDemocratic People's Republic of Korea. It is a riverside, coastal and bordercity with industry, commerce and logistics. Dandong administrative area

  15200 square kilometers, with a total population of 2.43 million. The urbanarea is 831 square kilometers with a population of 765000. It has jurisdictionover three counties (cities), three districts and a national border economiccooperation zone. In 1988, with the approval of the State Council, Dandongbecame an open coastal city. In 20__, it was listed as the "five points and oneline" key development area in Liaoning coastal area. In 20__, the GDP of thewhole region reached 46.386 billion yuan, an increase of 16.1% over the previousyear. The total revenue was 6.579 billion yuan, an increase of 26.7%; the totalinvestment in fixed assets was 23.38 billion yuan, an increase of 45.4%. Thetotal retail sales of consumer goods reached 16.2 billion yuan, an increase of17.2%. The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 9815 yuan, anincrease of 24.9%. The per capita net income of farmers was 5543 yuan, anincrease of 19.2%. The actual utilization of foreign capital was 147 million USdollars, an increase of 28.3%. Foreign trade exports reached 1.62 billion USdollars, an increase of 15.2%.

  There are 883 large-scale industrial enterprises in Dandong, which aredistributed in 36 major industries. At present, they have formed suchadvantageous industries as transportation equipment manufacturing, textile andgarment industry, electronic information and instrument manufacturing. Huanghaibus, Shuguang bridge, chemical fiber and other products have more than ten powerstations of various types in China, integrating hydropower, thermal power andwind power. The total installed power capacity reaches 1.59 million kilowatts,and will reach 5 million kilowatts in three to five years. The agriculture hasinitially formed the marine fine fishery belt, Yalu River rare fishery belt,high-quality rice, chestnut, strawberry, blueberry and other characteristicagricultural bases. It is the largest strawberry, chestnut and shellfishbreeding production and export base in China.

  Dandong has a unique natural endowment: it is close to mountains, river andsea. It has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. There is no severe heat insummer and cold in winter. The annual average temperature is 9 ° C. It belongsto temperate monsoon continental climate, and the South belongs to semicontinental and semi marine climate. The environmental air quality is betterthan the national second level in the whole year. The forest coverage rate ofthe whole city reaches 66%, the annual precipitation is 800-1200 mm, the surfacerunoff is more than 1000, and there are 57 reservoirs. The per capita watervolume is 1.6 times of that of the whole country and 4.5 times of that ofLiaoning Province. Its coastline is 126 kilometers long, and many places candevelop port, shipbuilding, tourism, power generation and other industries. Thetidal flat covers an area of 328 square kilometers. The sea area has good waterquality and high nutrient content. It has good conditions for the development ofaquaculture. Known as the "northern Jiangnan" reputation, it is the warmest andwettest place in Northeast China, and also one of the most suitable cities forhuman living.

  Dandong, formerly known as "Anton", has a long and profound culturalhistory. It originated from Anton's capital in Tang Dynasty, and has always beenan important commercial and military town in Northeast China. The county wasestablished in 1876, opened to trade in 1906, and became the capital of Liaodongprovince from 1945 to 1954. The cave site of "Qianyang people" discovered inDonggou county (now Donggang City, Dandong) in 1982 proves that our ancestorsworked, lived and multiplied in this rich land as early as 18000 years ago.After Qin unified the whole country, Dandong belonged to Liaodong county. In theWestern Han Dynasty, Wuci county and Xi'an Ping county were set up in Dandong,which was the earliest city in Dandong and one of the earliest county-leveladministrative units in Northeast China. In the first year of Emperor Gaozong ofTang Dynasty (668 AD), Anton city was set up. In 1876, the Qing government setup Fenghuang hall and Anton County, and Kuandian County the next year, withFenghuang hall as its capital. Anton city was officially established on December1, 1937. In 1965, the State Council decided to change Anton city to DandongCity, which means "Red Oriental City".

  Dandong is a multi-ethnic area, with 36 nationalities including Han,Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Korean and Xibe. Therefore, Dandong has the culturalcustoms and customs of Manchu, Chaoxian and other nationalities. Among theethnic minorities, Manchu has the largest population, accounting for 32% of thecity's population. It is the largest Manchu inhabited area in China and one ofthe important birthplaces of Manchu.

  Climate and urban environment

  Dandong has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons, warm in winterand cool in summer. The annual average precipitation is about 800-1200 mm, whichis the wettest place in northern China.

  Spring is the best season to watch the Rhododendron in Dandong. It's coolin summer, so many tourists come to Dandong seaside or scenic spot for summervacation. In autumn, the rainfall decreases and the climate is cool andpleasant. The tree ginkgo tree in Dandong City is full of fruit and goldenyellow. Looking around the scenic spots along the Yalu River, there are redleaves all over the mountain, just like autumn clothes made of colorful brocade.Dandong City has a high urban green coverage rate (66%), and the annual airquality compliance rate is 94.8%. Dandong is worthy of being a good place tolive. I hope that people with insight will come to Dandong to invest, settledown and live a happy life.

  Tourism resources and Tourism

  Dandong's tourism resources cover an area of 1500 square kilometers,accounting for 10% of the area under its jurisdiction. It has 24 national andprovincial tourist scenic spots, nature reserves and forest parks. The YaluRiver, the boundary river between China and North Korea, flows through Dandongfor 210 kilometers. Along the way, there are six scenic spots and more than 100scenic spots, forming a unique border picture and a spectacular cultural tourismcorridor of the Yalu River. Dandong is one of the top 20 "most satisfied cities"in China. With 64 kinds of mineral resources, Dandong is a famous "boron city"in China. Its reserves account for more than 90% of the country, ranking firstin the country. Gold reserves account for 37.2% of the total gold in theprovince, ranking in the forefront of the province. Dandong is rich ingeothermal resources with 17 natural dew points. It is a famous hot springresort in Northeast China.

  Dandong is an excellent tourist city, and also a hot tourist city inLiaoning Province. Dandong is rich in tourism resources

  There are three national key scenic spots: Yalu River scenic spot,qingshangou scenic spot and Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot; six national 4Ascenic spots: Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot, Yalu River scenic spot, Tianhuamountain scenic spot, Wulong mountain scenic spot, Dandong Kuandian tianqiaogouNational Forest Park and Dandong anti US aggression and aid Korea MemorialHall;

  There are two national nature reserves: Baishilazi National Nature Reserveand Dandong Yalu River Estuary Coastal Wetland National Nature Reserve;

  Two National Forest Parks: tianqiaogou and Dagushan;

  National key cultural relics protection units include Fenghuangshanmountain city, Yalu River broken bridge and Hushan Great Wall.

  National patriotism education base: Memorial Hall of resisting USaggression and aiding Korea, Yalu River broken bridge;

  At present, our city has 24 national and provincial key scenic spots andnature reserves. There is also the famous Dagushan Tianhou palace, which is thelargest ancient architectural complex of Tianhou palace in Chinese history. Itis known by experts as "a wonderful place in the world, a wonderful mountainwith thousands of sceneries" - Tianhuashan Forest Park and natural volcanomuseum - Huangyishan forest park.

  There are also many ancient cultural sites in Dandong, such as the modernRusso Japanese War, the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, the remains andanecdotes of martyr Yang Jingyu and other red tourism resources;

  Dalishu national eco agricultural tourism zone, a national agriculturaltourism demonstration unit, is composed of Huaguo Mountain, Yaowang Valley,Lianzhu three lakes, antique new village and recreation area. Its landscape andidyllic scenery, traditional Chinese medicine culture, Manchu farmhouse dishesand self-help picking in autumn have their own characteristics, which are deeplyloved by tourists.

  You can enjoy the scenery on both sides of the Yalu River by boat. What youexperience is the customs of the two countries. Tourism to North Korea is also acharacteristic project of Dandong tourism industry. More than 80% of Chinesetourists to North Korea leave Dandong port. When you come to Dandong, you canalso visit North Korea to appreciate the charm of this mysterious country.

  Dandong local products and famous food

  Dandong has a wide variety of local products, such as ginseng, chestnut,strawberry, hawthorn, tussah, edible fungi, forest frog, prawn and so on.Aquatic products are various shellfish, such as: conch, jade conch, scallop, redscallop, variegated clam, swimming crab, etc. Fish such as: squid, mackerel,seafood, etc. As the Yalu River and Dayang river flow into the Yellow Sea,Dandong's aquatic products grow in the environment of salt water and freshwater, so they have a unique taste. Coupled with the unique cooking technologyof hotel chefs, it's really a beauty to eat, which can't be tasted in otherplaces. If you don't taste seafood in Dandong, it's a "regret". You must have agood taste of Dandong seafood. In addition, there are Manchu's "sour soup",Chaoxian's "cake making", Dandong's "barbecue" and other local snacks. Bytasting these snacks, you can feel Dandong's folk customs and multi-ethnicculture. Infrastructure and urban positioning of Dandong

  Dandong has complete infrastructure and convenient transportation, and hasformed a three-dimensional transportation system of sea, land and air. Dandongrailway is 220 km away from Pyongyang and 420 km away from Seoul. Moscow BeijingPyongyang international intermodal trains pass Dandong. The intersection ofnational highway 201 and 304, the construction of Dandong Shenyang and DandongDalian expressways and the infrastructure projects that are under implementationand have been included in the planning, such as the East Northeast Railwayproject, Shendan double track railway, Dantong expressway, Danhai expressway,DanZhuang railway, haikonggang expansion, will make Dandong in the centralintersection of four expressways and three railways Location. Dandong port is anatural non freezing port and an international trade port at the northernmostend of China's mainland coastline. It has opened freight and passenger routeswith more than 70 ports in more than 50 countries and regions, including Japan,South Korea, North Korea, Russia, the United States and Hong Kong. Dandong portis located in the east of China. Due to its special location, it will play animportant role in revitalizing northeast economy. Dandong civil aviation airporthas opened routes from Dandong to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Sanya andSeoul.

  The main contents of Dandong's implementation of the "four major" strategy:the municipal Party committee and the municipal government put forward that atpresent and in the future, the city should unswervingly implement the four majorstrategies of "adhering to the great opening up, paying close attention to thegreat projects, building the great tourism and creating the greatenvironment".

  To implement the pull strategy of "great opening up" -- we should strive tobuild an open economic system, vigorously promote the rapid development of PortIndustrial Park, give full play to the influence and leading role of the port,and implement all-round, wide-ranging and multi-channel opening up. Throughthree or five years' efforts, Dandong has become an important coastal open citywith strong competitiveness in Northeast China.

  To implement the strategy of "big projects" is to seize the rareopportunity, strengthen the work of attracting investment, increase and speed upthe large projects and good projects, especially the large industrial projects,speed up the transformation of economic development mode and structuraladjustment, and step into a sound and fast development track as soon aspossible. We should cultivate a number of national and provincial famous brandproducts, increase the proportion of large-scale industries in the GDP of theregion, and after three or five years of efforts, form an advantageousindustrial cluster with strong influence and stable support in China, so as toenhance the overall economic strength of Dandong City.

  To implement the driving strategy of "big tourism" -- it is necessary tostrive to build a composite high-quality tourism belt with the Yalu River as thecore, highlight the unique resource advantages of Dandong, such as Mingjiang,border, great wall and Haijiao, and build four plates of red tourism, ecologicaltourism, border tourism and marine tourism. Through the development of tourism,promote and drive the development and growth of related industries

  3、 With five years' efforts, Yalu River has become a world-class tourismbrand integrating human culture and natural scenery, enhancing the attraction ofDandong City.

  To implement the promotion strategy of "big environment" -- we shouldstrive to strengthen the construction of soft environment, create a gooddevelopment environment and social environment, improve investment policies andurban functions, expand urban development space, improve and pay attention topeople's livelihood, improve urban quality, and build a livable city. Afterthree or five years of efforts, Dandong will be built into a city withreasonable layout, perfect facilities, and convenient transportation It is amodern city with advanced information, beautiful environment, ecologicalbalance, economic prosperity, social civilization and sustainabledevelopment.

  Dandong is the starting point of the eastern end of the "five points andone line" coastal economic belt in Liaoning Province. Dandong City will take"famous tourist city, good place for human settlement, strong industry city andimportant business town" as its new construction goal. The formation of newtraffic pattern will be conducive to the all-round development of Dandong City.Dear tourists, with the economic development of Dandong, the Jiangcheng city ofDandong will be more beautiful. I hope you will visit Dandong again. We willwelcome you and look forward to you as always.


  Welcome to Yalu River scenic spot in Dandong!

  Yalu River scenic spot is located in Dandong City in the middle and lowerreaches of Yalu River. It starts from Hunjiang estuary in the East and ends atdadonggang in the west, with a total length of 210 kilometers and a total areaof 824.2 square kilometers. The scenic spot faces Sinuiju across the river. Ithas a superior geographical location, warm in winter and cool in summer,beautiful mountains and waters, and unique scenery of China and Korea.

  The Yalu River is named for its color. The green water is just like theglittering green of a male duck's neck. People first called it the Yalu River,and it has been handed down to this day. The Yalu River originates from thesouthern foot of Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province, flows through Changbai,Ji'an, Kuandian, Dandong and other places, and flows southward into the YellowSea, with a total length of 795 km. It is the boundary river between China andKorea. The Yalu River flows about 300 kilometers through Dandong City. Thissection of the river is wide, beautiful scenery on both sides, in the estuaryarea, rich in silver carp.

  The Yalu River Bridge has a long history, which can be traced back to theLiao Dynasty. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Yalu River began tobuild iron bridges, and two bridges were built between Dandong and Sinuiju. Thefirst one, built in 1909, is an open and closed bridge. In 1950, it was bombedby American aircraft in the Korean War. The pier still exists today, and nowthere is a tourist area of end bridge. The second bridge, built in 1940, is adual-purpose railway and highway bridge with a total length of 940 meters, whichis jointly managed by China and Korea. It is the main traffic route betweenChina and North Korea, and also a scenic spot for tourists.

  Now what we see is the first bridge, also known as "broken bridge". It wasbuilt in 1909 and then in 1900. It was blown off by US aircraft and was built bythe Railway Bureau of the Korean governor's office in Japan. This is a singletrack railway bridge with straight beam and slab. In the war of resisting U.S.aggression and aiding Korea, the broken bridge was the main channel for thevolunteers to go abroad and the main artery for transporting strategicmaterials. In 1950, it was blown off by American aircraft and became a wastebridge. It was opened in 1993 as a scenic spot for people to visit.

  The turret on the side is the main fortification site of the Japanesepolice force guarding the bridge. The five storey turret is the most intactexisting highway defense turret in China, and also an irrefutable evidence ofJapan's war of aggression against China.

  Less than 100 meters to our left is the second bridge and the famous "YaluRiver China DPRK friendship bridge.". This bridge is a double track railwaybridge. The bridge goes up the railway and down the highway. At that time, thebridge deck of the highway was paved with wooden boards, but it was replacedwith cement boards in 1977. The steel beams of Yalu River Bridge, which has notbeen overhauled for many years, have been corroded and the pavement has beendamaged to more than 300 places. Some bridge decks have been displaced andbroken, resulting in the weakening of the bearing capacity of the bridge.

  Friends, we are now in Hushan scenic area. Hushan scenic spot is located onthe Bank of the Yalu River in the Sino Korean border. It mainly includes theGreat Wall, sleeping beauty, one-step cross of the Sino Korean border, ancientplank road and other scenic spots. Among them, the most representative scenicspot is Hushan Great Wall.

  Hushan Great Wall is located in Hushan Township, Kuandian County, DandongCity. According to research, it was built in 1469, which is the starting pointof the east end of the great wall of Ming Dynasty. It spans thousands ofmountains and rivers of the motherland, and is connected with the great wall ofJiayuguan in Gansu Province in the West. It can be called a monument left by theancients.

  The Great Wall we see now was rebuilt in 1992. The restored Hushan GreatWall is mainly of masonry structure. In line with the principle of "repair theold as the old" of cultural relics, the trend of the restored great wall and thepositions of the enemy towers, wall towers and beacon towers are consistent withthe original sites of cultural relics and archaeological discoveries, basicallyreproducing the majestic appearance of Hushan Great Wall in history.

  This mountain is the tiger mountain. It is an isolated mountain protrudingfrom the Yalu River. If you look at it carefully, it looks like a tigersquatting there, so it's named Hushan.

  Now please follow me to the Great Wall. The architectural structure of theMing Great Wall is very complete, including the city wall, city tower, enemytower, beacon tower, gateway and other parts. You can basically see the Hushangreat wall here.

  This is the peak of Hushan, the first beacon tower of the Great Wall inMing Dynasty. From the beacon tower, you can have a panoramic view of thehigh-rise buildings in Dandong and the city of Sinuiju.

  It should be said that the Great Wall culture has deeply embodied ournational spirit. The Great Wall, as a historical monument, will always stand inthe heart of a great nation!

  Welcome to Yalu River scenic spot in Dandong again. bye!


  Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Yalu River scenic spot. Now, please listento me to introduce the general situation of the Yalu River scenic spot.

  1、 Overview of scenic spots

  Yalu River scenic spot is a national key scenic spot approved by the StateCouncil in 1988. It is located in the lower reaches of Yalu River, betweenhunjiangkou and dadonggang, and acros











